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use-it de mafkees
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Use-it is a service & information centre for independent travellers who visit Rotterdam. In an informal way, every visitor orientates him/her selves on a stay off the beaten track. The people who work at the Use-it centre know everything about budget activities in the city, sights which are nice to visit, besides the main tourist highlights. Besides giving information and having talks with the visitors the crew provides services like bike rental, free day lockers and book exchange. Activities, like city tours are created and developed by the crew as well. During the winter Use-it creates and updates its information materials (like brochures, maps and Do-it-yourself tours). Use-it also runs a hostel (De Mafkees), a meeting point for young people from all over the world. Here Use-it organises events for guests and visitors. The EVS project involves all these aspects of Use-it. We work for and with international young people. Being international young people themselves EVS volunteers help us to understands the needs of young people on the move. By sharing their experiences with our visitors they help a lot of young people finding their way in Rotterdam. Providing information based on own experiences allows interaction between young people from different cultural backgrounds and will there for help to increase the understanding of cultural differences and similarities and raise awareness of what it means to be a European citizen. The project will stimulate the volunteers creativity, skills and personal development which will help them in future employment. The main themes for the activity are Youth information and Youth leisure. The duration of the project is 12 months. 5 different countries are involved: The Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Turkey and Slovakia. We host 4 volunteers, two male and two female aged 24, 26 and 28.

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