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Urgent actions for the conservation of meadows and pastures in the territory of Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga (LIFE PRATERIE)
Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Dec 15, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background The southern slope of the Gran Sasso mountain massif, which is located in the Natura 2000 network site Gran Sasso, is characterised by the landscapes of the high plain of Campo Imperatore and the higher alpine regions (Campo Pericoli, Corno Grande, Monte Camicia, Monte Prena etc.). Its alpine features and broad grasslands and pastures create a unique environment in central Italy. This area hosts different habitats (grasslands, rocky habitats and mires) listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive and priority dry grasslands. The same habitats are present also in the Natura 2000 site “Monti della Laga e Lago di Campotosto”. Uncontrolled tourism and extensive livestock raising and rearing are the main threats to the two SCI areas. Objectives The project aims to restore the quality of several habitats listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive – i.e. mountain grassland habitats (6210*, 6230*, 8210, 5130, 6170, 8120, 7140, 3150) – as well as benefit those habitat-related species (Vipera ursini, Triturus carnifex, Rupicapra ornata ) that have been affected by tourism, excessive grazing or the abandonment of grazing. The specific objectives of the project are: The long-term conservation of grazing areas by encouraging correct rearing practices; and The proper management of tourist facilities in order to limit uncontrolled access to conservation sites. Expected results The main quantifiable expected results include: At least nine municipal administrations officially adopting grazing practices to preserve habitats 6210*, 6230*, 5130, 6170 and 7140; At least 25% of livestock breeders having improved their grazing practices, thus safeguarding habitats 6210*, 6230*, 5130, 6170, 7140 and 3150; and A reduction in the impact of tourism along 90 km-trails and in 5 ha of parking places, thereby reducing the degradation of habitats 6210*, 6230*, 8210, 5130, 6170, 8120 and 7140.

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