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Urban landscapes – human territories: A participatory workshop on sustainable development
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „Urban Lanspaces - human territory: A participatory workshop on sustainable development“ is coordinated and implemented by two local teams experts, the foundations Hochdrei e.V. which operates in the region Berlin-Brandenburg and the foundation Encurecer active in Barcelona. The Background of the Project. Currently, more than 50% of the world population is living in urban areas and it is possible to state that our future will be urban. On the one hand, our cities are characterized by high consumption of resources, construction, traffic, crime, pollution and waste generation. However, on the other hand, they are also distinguished by the density and intensity in which knowledge, culture and creativity is produced and exchanged. In this workshop will shed light on the different aspects of urban development and emphasize various possibilities to develop and support the capacities of the participants to transform their cities. In the first phase of the workshop which will be carried out in Potsdam/Berlin participants will get an insight on various aspects of urban development by dealing with questions like: What do we know about sustainable urban development, right to housing, community self-suficiency, urban governance and the connexions between rural and urban economy. All this questions will be approached in a participatory manner. In the second phase implemented in Barcelona, participants will have to opportunity to get a tangible experience by working on a specific area of Barcelona in cooperation with the local actors. Putting into action the OASIS methodology. Public participation on the citizen and the community level are crucial aspects to take into account when specifying or implementing sustainable urban development policies and practices. For this reason the workshop is directed at young adults with different social and economical backgrounds to foster public involvement in community affairs. By using a wide range of methodogies the participants will be able to work out of different perspectives in an interdisciplinary way. Their individual skills can be applied and will be needed in every single acitivity. Main goal of the workshop is to empower the participants and to motivate them for active participation in their community, on national and european level. This will be done by providing them with specific knowledge and with action skills like cooperating in a team, thinking out of the box, developing own opinions, questions and fiels of action for a sustainable development on a social, ecological and economical level. The workshop aims to give also a broader impact by creating the general awareness that young people are able and willing to contribute to a human society. The empowerment of the participants is going to inspire also their peergroup back home. With new skills and knowledge participants will be able to organise own participating projects in the future and contribute by that to an active European society.

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