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The URBACT Culture network objectives can be summarisedas follows:>To illustrate the importance of culture in regenerationpolicies and projects by compiling case studies and by sharingthe knowledge and experiences of the partner cities>To study, describe and diffuse transferable models andapproaches >To draw recommendations to be diffusedFollowing the kick off meeting in January 2004 a seriesof 8 working group meetings were held two for each of the4 sub themes to try to achieve these objectives:1. Social Cohesion>culture as a tool for participation>Culture and civic society – use of cultural events to createa feeling of cohesion>Public space and sense of re-appropriation>Culture and the fight against social inequality>Multi-culturalism and inter-culturalism2. Economic Development>Culture, art and heritage as a tool for regeneration>City strategies for creative industries>ICT, communication media as a cultural tool>Festivals an cultural events3. Physical Regeneration>City centre and neighbourhood development>Cultural Infrastructure>Public Space for creativity>Planning of metropolitan and local cultural facilities>The inclusion of cultural professionals in urban regeneration4. Integrated Approach>Cultural activities as a strategic resource>How social, economic, and physical activities cometogether for urban regeneration>Power and potential of culture>Context and circumstances for use of culture in urbanregenerationFour thematic experts were appointed to head each of the subthemes, animate and guide the work of the partner cities.Each seminar was held in a different city so partners had thechance to see practical projects on the ground and have directcontact with project leaders.The conclusion seminar was held in May 2006 and the finalconference for the project was held in Roubaix in September2006 where the main findings and conclusions were presented. Achievements: Please refer to the 'Description' field, which also includes the achievements of this project.
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  • 50%   347 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 URBACT I
  • Project on KEEP Platform

16 Partners Participants