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#Uptake_ICT2life-cycle: digital literacy and inclusion to learners with disadvantaged background#
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to Eurostat, in 2013 one in every three Portuguese has never used the Internet. Portugal is the fifth country with the highest percentage of people in this situation (33%), preceded by Romania (42%), Bulgaria (41%), Greece (36%) and Italy (35%). On the other hand Denmark and Sweden have the lowest, both with 4%. The average in the 28 EU member countries is 21%. This project aims to address this problem by engaging synergies of nine partners in four countries (Portugal, Italy, United Kingdom and Germany) two of which silent partners (J.P. Inspiring Knowledge and Microsoft International) whose good practices will be shared and validated by the Science and Technology Foundation. This network will work both at local, regional, national and international levels in transversal and trans-sectorial areas, both in terms of the partners involved (academic and enterprise), and in terms of the focus group (VET; adult education with disadvantaged background; HEI with special focus on this group) literacy inclusion, re-qualification and employability. Each partner has strong complementary skills that will be widely useful for the project (cf. part D). As a strategic partnership project this proposal intends to promote actions, to build contents, digital instruments and to analyse the impact of ICT in a glocal (global&local) world, rooted in a process of civilisational change (social, political, economic and cultural). Always taking leverage of the individual skills and competences of each partner, anchored by the best research and state of the art practices. In fact the project aims to: 1) Identify and share good practices in Societal innovations (digital literacy, inclusion and employability); 2) Focus on new knowledge and skills: basic and transversal development; 3) Ensure equity in the exercise of rights, namely to help citizens with disadvantaged backgrounds (social / geographical) to integrate ICT in their lives; 4) (Re) and (up) skilling, access to success; 5) Disseminate results (in a diversity of modes), promote impact (in science, society, technology, policy and market), sustainability, dissemination and exploitation. In order to accomplish these five aims, a progressive path will be divided in the following five steps: 1- Preparation of the project (State of the art, Logo and Webpage development, Promotional videos); 2- Production of multi-format educational content (e-modules, ebook, MOOC); 3- First phase of training (training of the stakeholders); 4- Second phase of training (training of target group by the stakeholders supervised by the project members); 5- Requalification of the target group (MOOC on employability) and final conference/ dissemination of results. The adopted methodology will be, in a first moment, 1) identify the most preeminent needs and ways of integrating ICT in daily life; 2) share current good practices (in the areas of new competences- digital literacy, inclusion and employability); 3) enrich each other’s knowledge in complementary fields; 4) analyse the impact of ICT in a global world in a process of civilisational change (social, political, economic, and cultural). In a second moment the results achieved will contribute to shape the local implementation of good practices. Tangible and intangible results are expected. Among the tangible ones are: studies and reports, audio-visual materials, multimedia website, events, seminars, e-modules, MOOCs, ebooks… Intangible results will be, not only the increase of knowledge and experience in the areas dealt with by the project, but also the deepening of experience in the area of the digital instruments that will be built. Moreover, we intend to create new strategically partnerships on local and regional (in all countries) levels for future developments of the project. Besides, as long-term result we expect that this project will have long lasting impact on Science, Society, Technology and Policy areas. Especially in the Policy area, a report will be sent to the Ministries of Education and Science, the Network of Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs), Vocational Education and Training (VET) entities and employment agencies. In the technology area, the impact will consist of the interoperability among the various academic institutions and the enterprises. As for Society, the fulfilment of the various courses and actions will promote equity and inclusion for people with educational difficulties or with social and geographical constraints. Finally, as for the scientific impact, papers and articles will be written to make this experience known in the academic field.

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