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Updating of the Development Strategies of Local Municipalities and Elaboration of Cross-Border Common Sectorial Development Operational Programmes and Projects (CBD Strategies)
Start date: Jul 31, 2010, End date: Jul 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Municipiality of Mórahalom (HU), the Municipiality of Kanjiza (SRB), and city of Jimbola (RO) in November 10, 2009 established the Banat-Triplex Confinium EGTC. The municipialities, taking on the leading role in the present project, have many years of joint and successful work relationship in the area of economic-, and territorial development. Activities:- The establishment of a CrossBorder Development Center for Teritorial Planning and Project Generation with a headquarter in Mórahalom, and subcenter in Kanjiža.- The creation of a pilot strategy: updating the exisiting 5-year development plan of Kanjiža (restructuring, improvement, making it EU conform, based on Hungarian example).- Workshops for the elaboration of cross-border operational program in 4 sectors, and of 20 development projects: tourism; renewable energy; innovative economic development; supplier-, processing industry, with special emphasis on food industry.- The creation of a joint webpage (the Banat Triplex Confinium Partnership and Project Center). Achievements: The project achieved:- The establishment of a CrossBorder Development Center for Teritorial Planning and Project Generation with a headquarter in Mórahalom, and subcenter in Kanjiža.- The creation of a pilot strategy: updating the exisiting 5-year development plan of Kanjiža (restructuring, improvement, making it EU conform, based on Hungarian example).- Workshops for the elaboration of cross-border operational program in 4 sectors, and of 20 development projects: tourism; renewable energy; innovative economic development; supplier-, processing industry, with special emphasis on food industry.- The creation of a joint webpage (the Banat Triplex Confinium Partnership and Project Center).

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  • 85%   84 830,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Serbia IPA CBC (HU-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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1 Partners Participants