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UP- skills Transparency for qualifications and future skills for the hotel and tourism industry
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Europe faces the challenge to fight rising levels of unemployment. Too many young people leave school too early and adults are often only equipped with low skills, which increases the risk for (future) unemployment even further. Current figures, especially from Spain and Italy show that a percentage of 43% young adults are currently unemployed. But also in other European countries the percentage of youth unemployment is frightening. The Europe 2020 strategy foresees to foster a high- employment economy whilst ensuring sustainable growth with a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy. To address this issue and at the same time to counteract for fighting a prognosed shortage of skilled staff (especially in the Gastronomic sector, "Lecture about future perspectives of the labour market, Dr. Helmrich- National Agency Germany 2013") appropriate actions need to be taken. In addition the recognition and validation of formal, non- formal and informal acquired skills and competences form a center piece on the path of life long lerning and support career development. The project aims, through the development and training of key competences and skills, which are relevant to the labour market, and the usage of European Instruments (ECVET) to close an existing gap, which causes staff shortage and will fight future unemployment of low- skilled adults. The project will therefore develop a new Curricula and train participants accordingly in order to ease the access to the labour market. The new qualification will involve basic skills for the tourism sector as well as future skills, which are required to drive the change within tourism enterprise towards sustainable operations. This will contribute to the European 2020 strategy which aims to create a more resource efficient and greener economy. The creation of a self- analysis tool for previously gained non- formal and informal skills and competences applicable to the tourism sector will lead to recognition, validation and transparency and foster the ability of self- analysis as well as increased knowledge for future employment. Future cooperation between the target group and tourism enterprises in (different) partner countries will be fostered and will also stimulate participants to learn additional languages. The project therefore fosters mobility to enable the target group to react on future labour market changes including the flexibility to meet requirements of seasonal jobs. Equipped with additional skills as well as instruments, with which non-formal and informal gained skills and competences are made transparent will ultimately help to overcome personal barriers and obstacles. The long term benefits will help the tourism sector to fight a shortage of staff on the one hand and low skilled adults on the other hand by offering them a qualification in the tourism sector, which meets future requirements through the incorporation of sustainable elements. Through the application of the European Qualification Framework (EQF)during this process the VET system will improve its quality and the participating training institutions will benefit from and increased internationalisation, through the transnational cooperation within the project consortium. A peer group consisting of trainers, job counsellors etc. will offer feedback throughout analysis and definition of the key competences and the creation of the new curricula. The consortium is composed of five partner. The educational institution the Turkish Vocational College of Tourism provides the necessary expertise in the field of Tourism and applied analysis in the field. BEST will contribute to the project with its extensive experiences related to the recognition and validation of skills as well as the creation of new Curricula and the translation into online based tools. The Latvian Country Tourism Association and ARIS promote (sustainable) tourism among their members and have extensive networking experiences. KOAN consulting is deeply involved in the training of tourism enterprises, specialized in sustainable operations. Through these partners, which offer a wide range of networking activities, the usage, dissemination and exploitation of the results will be guaranteed: - the promotion of the new Curricula in the tourism sector, covering basic key skills as well as future skills to meet the demand of the target group, but also the demand of the target sector due to a shortage of staff - Transparency on the basis of ECVET valorises the qualification on local, regional, national and European level - Transparency of non- formal and informal gained competences and skills applicable to the tourism sector on the basis of ECVET - Obstacles through the new qualification and the acknowledgement of previous non- formal and informal gained competences and skills are removed, access to the labour market increases and the shortage of skilled staff within the sector declines

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