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Unterricht in Nord- und Mitteleuropa
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

With the project “Teaching in northern and central Europe”, we intend to broaden the experiences we have had so far in programmes of European cooperation like Comenius by including a wider group of teachers of our school. We want to give language teachers as well as teachers of other subjects the opportunity of getting to know teaching in our Danish partner school by taking part in a job-shadowing project. The participants will write reports about their observations and have teacher-conferences about the differences in teaching and the educational systems of both countries. This way we hope to have a productive exchange of ideas and stimuli for our own individual ways of teaching. Due to their IB-programme and their established use of modern teaching methodology and especially of modern technology in the classroom, our partners have a lot to offer and we will certainly benefit a lot from observing them. In order to make their know how accessible to a diverse group of colleagues we will send 8 teachers of foreign languages, history, politics, informatics and science to Denmark in spring of 2015. A year later, we will have a conference together with our Danish colleagues, analyze the teachers’ reports on their observations and discuss the ideas we can include in our own teaching. In the long run we hope that our project will result in an improvement of teaching in Germany as well as in Denmark. The exchange in the educational field will broaden the participants' horizon and create a deeper understanding of each other and through intense international cooperation it will also strengthen the European spirit of the participants and the schools involved.
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1 Partners Participants