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Unique Estonian-Russian fortresses ensemble development as a single tourist product. Stage II (EstRusFortTour-2)
Start date: Dec 14, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In Narva- Ivangorod twin-cities, at the Estonian – Russian border there is a unique fortresses ensemble of great cultural, historical and tourist value, that is not used in full mostly due to undeveloped tourism infrastructure and poor accessibility.The present investment project is a follow-up project of EstRusFortTour project, implemented in the framework of InterregIIIA programme, directed at the development of the unique fortresses ensemble as a single tourist product.EstRusFortTour project studies clearly identified the poor access to the fortresses as the MAIN PROBLEM or “bottleneck” to be solved at first in order to create the cross-border single tourist product in most successful and sustainable way. Poor accessibility was identified not only in terms of infrastructure but in tourist information as well. The project OVERALL OBJECTIVE is to develop the Narva and Ivangorod fortresses ensemble as a single tourist product to ensure fast development and regional competitiveness of the Narva/Estonia-Ivangorod/Russia cross-border region as a united tourism destination and the main centre of tourist attraction by means of development of the area's unique historical heritage.The project SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE is to improve accessibility of the Narva and Ivangorod fortresses ensemble by integrated improving of the access roads, making them easier to find, modernising them and increasing the level of safety and attractiveness of the access territory, as well as improving the quality and accessibility of tourist information by implementation of innovative methods.The project MAIN ACTIVITIES include integrated reconstruction of access to the Narva and Ivangorod fortresses incl. construction of access roads, improving attractiveness and safety of the access territories, installation of information signs and joint development of a single audio tour of Narva and Ivangorod fortresses ensemble with organisation of a promotion campaign. The PROJECT PARTNERS are Narva City Government’s Department for Development and Economy (Lead Partner), Narva Museum from Estonian side and Ivangorod Municipality from the Russian side.Museum Agency Government of Leningrad Oblast, Heritage Conservation Board of Estonia, Ida-Viru County, Committee for culture of Leningrad region and Committee for culture, sport and youth policy of City Administration Kingisepp are associated partners in the project.TARGET GROUPS: tourists -ca 177000 visitors per year, transit tourist ca 250 000, local population ca 75 000, CBC tourists companies 20, journalists 20. RESULTS of the project: accessibility of the Narva and Ivangorod fortresses ensemble will be significantly and simultaneously improved that will bring to the border region great added value - the tourism environment become more attractive and competitive, its helping to generate additional income from tourism and facilitating fast and stable socio-economic development in the CBC region. Achievements: Outputs*Ivangorod fortress access road (370m length), descent (336m2) and ascent to fortress (90m) modernized, parking and public toilet constructed, landscaping and video-monitoring system developed; *Narva fortress access territory (13 538 m2) reconstructed and landscaping improved; *67 tourist objects in Narva (34) and in Ivangorod (33) described, legends and stories about Narva (21) and Ivangorod (20) included in audio tours; *3 exhibitions, 1 conference and 2 large scale events for wider public organized; *14 TV/radio programs produced, 6 press-conference, press tour and promotional tour for tourist companies conducted; *250 articles, 21 press-releases, 5 newsletters, 3 brochures and leaflet in 18 000 copies produced; *Project website created and information published on using ICT toolsResults*Access roads to Narva and Ivangorod fortresses complex converted into attractive convenient sights for visitors and local population, accessibility for families with children and disabled people improved; *Innovative tourist product including objects, legends and stories in Narva and in Ivangorod available on project website using ICT tools; *Audiotour in 3 languages – Estonian, Russian and English installed in audioguides, and available for free downloading; *Tourist companies included new service in tourist packets for visiting Narva-Ivangorod fortresses with audiotour; *Regions widely promoted due to close crossborder cooperation and joint events; *Promotional materials about Narva and Ivangorod fortresses widely available for local and regional audience
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  • 90%   1 642 108,36
  • 2007 - 2013 Estonia-Latvia-Russia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants