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Ungestrategi i Albertslund
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main purpose of that project is to focus on Ealy school leaving (drop outs) and youth education. The municipality has a specail focus on these topics from politicians and central adminstration. The two centralized development plans "A school for All" and the "Youth Strategy". 12 teachers and two advisors from four schools and from the School Department intents to particpate a 5 days in-servece training course about preventing early school dropout.Objectives:- To exchange experiences in how to get students to stay in education- To explore, develop and evaluate “best practice” in cooperation with a number of European teachers and advisors- To learn from others countries how to reduce early school leaving for students in groups at risk- To learn about regional common and coordinated development in this field.- To learn from the newest research and evidens about early school leaving- To meet teachers from other European countries and build network and useful connection between schools.- To contribute to the course output with our experiences and know how.All activities related to the course wil be integrated in the schools activities and transferred to the Danish team of the RECIPE project through the preparation of a series of workshops and case studies. Also we believe that the qualifying af teachers and leaders will update the Erasmus+ project COuRAGE.The collaborative evaluation of the case-studies provides the basis for a range of innovative outputs and products. These are directed to the specific needs of our local national and European target groups.It will be most valuable for the local development of strategies and tools to prevent early school leaving and supporting students to finish their Youth Education.
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