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Une histoire de bovins
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In Belgium, in 2011, butchery counted 6418 shop signs against 10,547 in 2007, a decrease of 39% in five years (source La Libre, March 3, 2012). In Wallonia, the independent butcher must also cope with large distribution areas that are more numerous than in Flanders. The job is not valued enough among young people and results in a decrease of the number of youth training. Some companies are facing difficulties in recruiting for this occupation, which is part of the list of occupations in shortage in 2014 (source: the portal of the Belgian Federal Public Service). However, in a difficult economic and health promotion context, the professional butcher still offers to the consumers , where he's present, a positive and reassuring image for the quality of its services, of its products, usability , boards, proximity .... The business has evolved with the customer demands as they seek information on a particular product, traditional or "exotic". In Belgium, the Belgian Blue Breed (BBB) is the market leader meaty breed. Our students are familiar with this breed of cattle. In contrast, France has more than 40 different breeds of cattle and produces more than 20% of European beef. Some varieties are more specific to certain regions and this is explained by the nature of soil, slope, climate, different grades of grass. We find thus in the Auvergne region specific breeds: the Aubrac, the Salers and the Ferrandaise. At its boundary area, we find the Limousine and the Charolaise. This mobility will therefore allow 21 élèves of the 6th grade of the CEFA of Libramont and Suarlée to discover other varieties of cattle, with specific characteristics, and all the process of transformation from the state of cattle alive until the status of consumable meat. This mobility aims to: 1 / improve vocational training in the field of cattle and hygiene; 2 / to compare the staging of tenders; 3 / to enhance training for our young people and increase vocations. And all of that from the professional situations experienced in the field.
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