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Une expérience maltaise pour une ouverture à l'Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

With this first Erasmus+ application, the MFR Le Cèdre is aiming to consolidate its opening towards Europe. To mark its 20-year anniversary, the MFR training centre will take the opportunity of implementing a new project approved in 2014, and offer a professional training period in Europe to each student in each training programme. The first step will involve sending the students from the technical Baccalaureate (equivalent to high school diploma) to Malta for a two week internship and cultural immersion. The MFR members responsible for the project, in partnership with a Maltese language school, have established specific objectives corresponding to the requirements in Malta and the needs of the students. They have also defined a program of various courses which will allow the students to acquire the necessary skills involved in the project. Furthermore, they have devised methods to assess the students’ ability in acquiring these skills during this excellent experience and to evaluate the overall project. The project entitled « a Maltese experience for an opening towards Europe” has three major objectives for the students : strengthening their communication skills, making them aware of the links between a country, its services and activity in its rural areas, and giving them the opportunity to embrace another culture. While in Malta, the students will attend english classes, carry out internships in Maltese companies and will be accomodated in Maltese families. Various cultural activities will also be offered to them. The MFR has also set three goals for itself : enhancing the role of the teachers, becoming an open and connected training center, and helping students in developing their career plan. Thanks to this first experience abroad with Erasmus program, the students will discover new working methods, a new country with its own distinctive features. They will be able to analyse with an open but critical mind. This, in the long run, will enable them to adapt to employers’ expectations and bring about change in their jobs in order to adapt to a country’s needs, as well as to future economic, technical and social changes. MFR teachers will be encouraged to undertake training throughout their careers, in order to have a better grasp of all subjects, and improve their ability to work together. They will be able to share more with the students thanks to these common experiences abroad. Another internship project in Europe will be created for the training « Bac Pro services Aux Personnes et Aux Territoires » which is equivalent to an A-Level specialized in community and social care. This will enable the MFR to reinforce its attractiveness and encourage student recruitment. Long-term MFR goals are the following ones : planning European professional mobility for the teachers, signing official European partnerships. The entire staff will also be more familiar with how projects are set up within the European working world.
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