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Une équipe éducative plus compétente pour un enseignement de meilleure qualité.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Considering the many changes our school is confronted with at different levels: students, teachers, parents and also the fact that there are too few students who succeed, in addition to socio-economical changes in Brussels and the school area, we have set up several strategies to help our students to be better learners ( learning strategies, remediation, dyslexia training, ...). But all these efforts are not enough. After a training week in the course " Leading Educational Change" concerning the management of change in a school, the two teachers who took part in it, offered to increase their training in order to be able to start a "Continuing Professional Development" Programme within our school. That programme aims at improving the teaching staff's skills and thereby the quality of learning in our school. It is mainly based on team work, collaboration between peers and several observation and coaching practices. Hence, these two demands of learning mobility. The first one to the seminar " Effective Continuing Professional Development" (CPD) that will reinforce the first training "Leading Educational change" that has been given by the same provider, the DNI. The second one, a visit of a week at the school Dene Magna in Gloucestershire, UK, to get trained to the " Reflexive Practitioner Programme" that is practiced in this school. Our wish is that Muriel Goffin who is the intiater of this CPD project but also English teacher and coordinator of the modern languages section in our school takes part in these two learning mobilities. We also ask that a member of the leading staff takes part to the DNI course with M.Goffin. We plan to implement a CPD programme in our school from September 2014. With different methods, we will evaluate the impact of the programme on the teachers and on the pupils. We hope that this project will contribute to improve considerably the quality of the learning process in our school. This, in a concrete way, should be shown by a higher success rate among pupils.
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