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Une autre culture
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our association ABCM Les Mickelé is a structure located in Strasbourg of ABCM-Zweisprachigkeit which aims to develop bilingualism from the kindergarden on. Aware of the fact that the linguistic and cultural input can only benefit from multiplicity and willing to bring up our children to become European citizens, it is only natural that we should turn to the programm Erasmus+ EVS to encourage a young European to enrich our school with his/her language and culture and to give an additional opening to our functioning and different activities that we are offering. Every year since 2008/09 we already had very positive experiences by welcoming young volunteers and we are convinced of the effectiveness and benefit from the presence of these young and motivated people. That is the reason why we wish to repeat the project in 2015/16 by welcoming a young man or woman from the end of August until the beginning of July. The teaching staff, after an adaptation period, came to appreciate the additional value brought by the young volunteer. The staff has now fully integrated him/her in their activities, either by letting him/her take part in the scheduled activities or by including his/her own suggestions in the pedagogical sequence. As for the children, they particularly appreciate the relationship with the volunteer who keeps the authority of an adult but at the same time is more willing to play with them, shows more spontaneity and a "fresher" mind because his/her position is situated somewhere between the elder "brother/sister" and the adult. Our parents' association is naturally highly involved in the school life. Several families already demonstrated their hospitality by welcoming foreign trainees and taking care of them. The parent who has volunteered for being tutor of the young EVS-applicant is experienced and knows how to offer him/her availability, closeness, listening and at the same time independency and freedom as required during a year spent abroad, outside of the family environment. We are also aware of the fact that many young people do not know yet what to do in their future or do not always have the possibility of testing concretely their ideas and vocation. Enabling a young European to live with us during a school year, we will offer him/her the possibility to discover a new town, a new region, a new country, and an associative as well as a professional surrounding.
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