Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our starting point was more than seven years ago, when our TEA project came to life. It is defined as a platform whose aim is to draw together and unite all teachers of the first stage of ESO, in order to work as a real team and follow the same pedagogical and educational criteria. In the future we would like to extend it to all secondary education in our centre. We have been working on this project for the last five years and we are aware of the importance of teachers transmitting values (respect and effort) through emotional education. To do this , it is vital to help our pupils to have a positive view of themselves and their environment .A great diversity of students, high rates of early school leaving and low academic results, there was an urgent need for the IES Severo Ochoa Elche to be involved in new projects in order to seek solutions.In order to achieve our goals and after analyzing our training needs within the European framework, we have decided to run a new project: A SHARED VIEW OF EUROPE. It revolves around focusing our institution on Europe by improving the English level of our teachers and students by means of CLIL methodology, sharing leaning-teaching experiences with a Jobshadowing activity, learning about Europe and enhancing our teachers to learn English. Six structured courses and a Jobshadowing activity . Besides improving the linguistic competence they would give us the ideal opportunity to learn practices in order to help us gradually improve the working atmosphere in our centre and have a broader more European outlook. Nine teachers would be involved in these courses.The expected impact on the participants and on our school, in broad strokes, is related to start teaching in English by using CLIL methodologies from the school year 2018-19 on, the improvement of language skills, the organization of new teaching-learning activities in a multidisciplinary way to promote a new concept of Europe. We will keep on working with Project Based Learning methodologies, Flipped Classroom, Blended Learning to improve the motivation of pupils in order to work on an inclusive school, reduce early school leaving and also a greater readiness for participation in international projects. Owning to what we have done in recent years, we predict a wide impact , be it at school level (presentations to teachers, articles in newspapers and local television, radio broadcasts on Radio Severo, descriptions of these experiences on our website and in the digital school magazine), be it at local level (in Convielx, for the Municipal School Board) or at regional level (in the Generalitat Valenciana website.)Amongst the benefits we expect to obtain from the project is to obey the lay regarding pluriliguism, the consolidation of our ability to innovate and to work together as a team both in our own center and also with other European centres. We also hope to develop an innovative concept of what schooling involves in the 21st century, based on the observation of good working practices.Taking innovation as our horizon, the European dimension of training and in this case the ERASMUS+ Programme +KA1 , give us the incredible opportunity of turning our gaze towards Europe and learning from their more innovative teaching practices .

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