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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Apr 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Theatre Project ?Una historia por contar? was a multilateral Youth Exchange (K1) based on using non formal education, theatre and creative methodology with the aim of make aware the youth and to get them closer to vulnerable social context of their environment and in the general contest of the European Union. An important objective was learn how to use art as tool of social and personal transformation and to develop the communication in local and intercultural environment. ?Una historia por contar? involved 4 countries and 28 participants in order to create a collective performance starting from the needs and the wishes of 4 different realities. It envisages a work of preresearch on each territory, looking for the necessities of a specific vulnerable community at whom the participants want to give voice. The final performance was a melting of the peculiarities of the 4 nations. Each organization have done a basic work of survey, going to a vulnerable reality near to the territory where they live and investigate, asking to the people :> In this way, we gives voice and visibility to people coming from vulnerable contexts, which voices are usually kept silenced. We focused on the real conflicts that interest our territory, learning to share our ideas for a common aim. We informed and involved the local community in our activities and, through nonformal education, diverse theatre methods, team building, learning by doing, working groups, evaluation session and performances, we created a strong empathy between the participants and the local groups, in order to have a multiplier effect with our audience.33 The intercultural nights, the energizers, the food, the informal moments, the night life in Madrid, the games among the participants, the contact with the local community, the music and the Spanish atmosphere have been an energetic and relaxing framework of our project. In this project we continued the work started in our last exchange ?Cuéntame que te cuento?, with the idea of an invisible thread that links histories form various corners of Europe. We invited all the local realities that have helped the performance and, the italian asociacion had presented in ITALY the secound partof the project we have done.
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