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Un agent qui vous veut du bien
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Three schools (including one special education school), gathered in a consortium with the CCGPE-DGEO will allow 44 students to participate into a project supervised by training professionals. The proposed internship will be centered on the trainings of «Educational Agent" and "Community logistic assistance/ Community kitchen aid", and cover four weeks - for pupils belonging to the Free Secondary school of Saint Hubert pupils - and three weeks for pupils belonging to the Sainte-Marie Institute of Jambes. Both internships will take place in Italy (Breschia). These pupils will all be enrolled in the last year, third level of Technical education, at the qualification stage, last phase of their initial vocational training. They will receive, at the end of the school year, a Qualification Certificate (CQ). On the other hand, the Special education school, the «Jean 23 school ", will send its pupils to Marseille (France) for a two weeks internship. These pupils will be those enrolled around the end of the 2nd and 3rd stages. The “Educational Agent” is a professional who "educates" in the sense of leading, following-up, accompanying a beneficiary and/or a group of beneficiaries in a process, in view of a purpose, the terms of which are defined by an educational project or mandate. This initiative lies, most of the time, within the framework of the everyday life, in association with partners (team and network). The two most important sectors in terms of job offers are, on one hand, the sector of the assistance to the youth, and on the other hand, the sector of the assistance to disabled grown-ups or minors. The job of Educational agent has greatly evolved these last years. Locations and methods of interventions, on one hand, and the kind of population being assisted, on the other hand, have become increasingly varied. This is why, the Educational Agent assistance may today extend to grown-up disabled persons, adults experiencing difficulties or looking for professional integration, elderly or mentally ill people, drug addicts, and more. Next to the residential institution which was traditionally the only environment for educational action, appear today new services operating inside the life environment of the beneficiaries. The "Community logistic assistants" (special education) maintain premises and take care of the linen (washing and ironing). Pupils in their 3rd stage realize their internships mainly in Rest homes. At the end of the 2nd stage, internships take place in a more family-type environment, such as nurseries welcoming young moms’ children. "Kitchen Aids" work in schools to prepare hot meals to be distributed in primary schools, Public social assistance Centers or to retired adults. Internships, on the other hand, can take place in a hospital, a Rest home or in other quite different community Centers. The skills and competences acquired by a student during his/her training in the French Community can be exercised abroad. These will be recognized and validated. Within the framework of this project, both schools of full exercise favored language immersion and internships either in centers for disabled children, or in the sector of psychiatry, because pupils never have the opportunity, in Belgium, to work with this type of population. Regarding the Jean 23 School, the goal remains to promote the autonomy and professional/ transverse skills of those pupils experiencing great learning difficulties. This internship will foster, in all students, the capacity of self-assessment, the development of social skills and autonomy, as well as the opening to diversity and to a different culture. The preparation of the pupils will be taken in charge by those partners sending them abroad (reinforcement of Italian skills before the internship), and the welcoming partners (a couple of hours course at the end of the day, upon request) The realization of the internship itself will benefit from the presence of coaches stemming from the sending partners who will make the connection between the trainees and the welcoming partners. They will take in charge the evaluation of the internship, the learning outcomes (on the basis of the grid of competences drafted by the whole consortium) as well as the integration of the results in the Belgian program of every beneficiary. The widening of knowledge and educational practices, the development of quality education by innovation and creativity will allow pupils to rediscover motivation in their apprenticeship. The discovery of educational practices applied in other education systems, the exchanges, shared between teachers of partner countries will favor the emergence of a European educational space. The sustainability of the collaboration between the various partners, Belgian and foreign, is aimed by all the members of the Consortium. The whole project will be coordinated by the CCGPE-DGEO and the results communicated to national authorities.
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