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Üzleti adminisztráció az EU-ban - szakmai alapképzésben résztvevő tanulók külföldi szakmai gyakorlata
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the frame of the Leonardo Programme, our school has been successfully applying for the opportunity of implementing the professional practice abroad for several years. All of our partnerships are working well with Technorex Ltd. In Göteborg, Sweden; Vitalis GmbH in Leipzig, Germany and Obchodná Akadémia Lučenec. Our partrer institutions’ co-workers and contact persons regularly and continuously exchange information regarding the programme with the members of the project in our school. They all know our school’s curriculum and educational system and they choose and provide the workplaces for the beneficiary students accordingly. With their experience, knowledge and ideas, they can contribute to compile a work schedule and a successful implementation of the project. Our knowledge is expanding constantly which enables us to complete our professional practices more and more efficiently. We managed to build prosperous professional and personal relationships with all partners and our students gave positive feedbacks about the contact persons. We always start planning the project for the next academic year at the end of the previous project cycle taking the tendering opportunities, our previous experiences and the participants’ reports into consideration. We aim to provide equal opportunities for our students. The rate of disadvantaged students in the programme is the same as the rate of disadvantaged students in the school. We expect that our students’ foreign language communication skills, employee competencies, abilities for group work, their sense of responsibility, decisiveness and self-knowledge to improve through the professional practice. The students can form their self-concepts during the period of the practice and they can also develop loyalty towards the profession. The participants can get to know new working methods and also gain experience in real working environment. We hope that the prestige of our school will increase after the efficient implementation of the programme and the members of this well-adjusted group can work together in the future and complete another successful project.
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3 Partners Participants