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"Udział w specjalistycznych kursach metodycznych dla rozwoju nauczania dwujęzycznego w Niepublicznym Gimnazjum nr 9 im. Roberta Schumana Fundacji Primus"
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project entitled "The Participation of Teachers in Specialized Methodological Courses for the Development of Bilingual Education at the Primus Foundation of the Robert Schuman Non-Public Junior High School" aims to enable teachers of core subjects to broaden their knowledge and gain new skills in the field of CLIL methodology so that they can teach their subjects bilingually. The foreign language teachers will also participate in the methodological and culture-oriented courses in order to design new innovative curriculum. The school aims at developing our educational portfolio and provide the highest educational standards in foreign languages. Our goal is to ensure that the employees of the Foundation can grow both professionally and personally. Among the sixteen participants of the project, there five teachers who are looking forward to teaching their subjects bilingually in the future and 11 who teach foreign languages such as English, French, German and Spanish.We are convinced that the participation in studies abroad of so many teachers will contribute to establishing contacts with bilingual schools in Europe, which will result in the exchange of good practices and experience, the impementation of innovative solutions in our school, as well the enhancement of our syllabi. We deeply believe that the participation in the project will strengthen our school's position as a leader in terms of academic results as well as innovation in the school' s syllabi and teaching methods.

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