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Uczniowie ZSZ Nr 3 w Katowicach u progu europejskiej kariery zawodowej
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project involves sending a total of 39 trainees, adult students of classes III Technical School No. 14, enrolled in various occupations for 2-weeks. foreign placements. From 06.03 to 19.03.2016r. participate in an internship will be 3 groups: 7 7 electricians and electronics in Germany, 6 miners in Spain and 6 economists in the UK. From 19.02 to 04.03.2017r .: 2 groups -7 electronics in Germany and 6 miners in Spain. Students will implement practices in accordance with the Program Practices for the direction. After completing the 2-week. practices abroad, trainees are guaranteed the continuation of 2-weeks. practices in Polish companies - it will be a chance for them to test their skills acquired abroad. During the internship, foreign, carried out in institutions associated with the electrics, electronics, economics and mining - according to the profile of education, youth will have the opportunity to improve professional skills, which in turn will help to increase their adaptation to the changing labor market rules. Students want to gain experience of the staff, learn about the culture and traditions of another country. It is important for them to overcome language barriers and improvement of English language training. From these skills depends largely .: success on the exam confirming vocational qualifications. Needs, which corresponds to the project are: to create an opportunity that students who see their problems and gaps in the theoretical and practical knowledge, they want to supplement and expand their professional competence. Direct contact with the employer, supplicants, working in an English speaking environment - it's also a chance to improve practical language communication and breaking down barriers to handling the foreign language. Trainees will use their knowledge and experience in the first place on the practices in the country, and then prove themselves by passing examinations and professional qualifications of the matriculation examination in the English language. External Graduation will satisfy the need for further education and careers. Our students need extra motivation to increase proficiency in August j. Ang., To the development of entrepreneurial activity, group cooperation, improve and broaden the general culture of interests - including other cultures. Participation in the project is to prepare for mobility and attractive learning process in the IMS No. 3. The main objective of the project is the improvement and development of vocational education and training in schools by working with multinational companies. Stay on the internship will verify eligibility and flexible to adapt to the needs of our students of the European market, including overcoming the language barrier. The priority is that students are prepared for mobility - it is very important in our region, the industry restructures August, and the main effect of this is an increase in unemployment. The project involves the creation of a mechanism involving students operating in such environments to create a strong incentive motivating to work on self-improvement. The aim of the project is also consolidating adopting good habits and good practices for students and practices. Trainees will develop your personality and social maturity, will gain confidence, will shape your character, they become creative and assertive. The project will also result Hard: The number of participants - 39, the documents Europass Mobility - 39, certificates confirming internship - 39. Soft results: better qualifications, willingness to continue education or employment, economic independence, entrepreneurship, better communication language, the better the results of the examinations of professional and secondary education, improving the quality of education in schools / improving the competence of teachers participating in the project /, increased interest in our school environment and the region.
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