European Projects
Učíme se pro budoucnost
Učíme se pro budoucnost
Start date: Jul 1, 2014,
End date: Jun 30, 2016
The project „We learn for the future“ has build on the long-standing various cooperations with partner schools HEMS Darmstadt (Germany), LBS2 Bregenz (Austria) and SOŠ Handlová (Slovakia). It was a continuation of preceding projects´ series. The main objectives was to innovate the contents and methods of education at our school, to interconnect with the world of work and development of participants´ needs for the purpose of distinctive specialist education.
Versatile development of competences includes
- deepening vocational knowledge, intercultural and communicative competences
- acquisition of new knowledge, experience and skills
- removing of prejudice and language barrier
- motivation to develop professional skills and lifelong education
- support of the environment relationship
- learning about new environment-friendly technologies and those enabling economical usage
- learning about new educational methods
- learning about business field, business processes
- learning about different educational systems
- certification and qualification recognition
- learning about foreign countries and their cultures
- making personal relationships and creation of space for cooperation .
In This project participated 30 students from the 2nd grade of vocational training fields Electrician – high-voltage, Electrotechnician, and from the 2nd and 3rd grades of study fields Mechanic electrotechnician - High-voltage devices technician, Mechanic electrotechnician – information technology and 23 participants from the teaching staff.
For the student of electrical field the main topic is working with the educational programming language LOGO and its use in various technological units, preparation of technical documentation, working with software, assembly of model devices and making them operational, testing their functionality, elimination of failures and handing in finished assignment. The students of Mechanic electrotechnician – information technology field want broaden their complex knowledge and practical skillfulness when working with graphical multimedia digital devices. The content of pedagogical staff educational stay was the integration into the theoretical and practical education, world of work, learning about educational systems, educational processes and methods, qualification recognition. and maintain continuity of cooperation.
All participants broadened social competence and language skills.