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Turystyka międzynarodowa
Start date: Dec 15, 2014, End date: Dec 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project was prepared by Zespół Szkół no 2 in Białystok along with Siegmundsburger Haus Werraquelle GmbH and other partners. It will start at 1 July 2014 and end at 30 June 2016. There will be 32 participants from our school with the majors such as: hotel industry technician (28 people) and technician of mechatronics (4 people). Dates of these monthly practices are: September 2015 – then the first group goes to Thüringen (16 students + 2 guardians) and April/May 2016 – the second group (16 students + 2 guardians). For every stay there are 14 hotel industry technicians and 2 technicians of mechatronics. Students who learn mechatronics will be the experimental group – if the students and partners are content with the cooperation then we will continue the projects concerning the external practice for technicians of mechatronics and we will try to organize it for the greater number of students. The project bases on the principles of the ECVET system. Project’s partners discussed the most important issues during the meeting which took place in December 2013. It was organized by our main German partner Siegmundsburger Haus Werraquelle GmbH (SHW). Then, along with other schools from Poland we developed a common proposal of the way of assessing students, publishing effects of the practice and acknowledging the students’ achievements. Within the work practice students will enrich themselves with professional and linguistic predispositions and also the basic knowledge about Germany. The group of our partners covers 9 enterprises connected with hotel and gastronomic industry and service. They are: Siegmundsburger Haus Werraquelle GmbH as a main partner, who coordinates the project as an enterprise, which accepts the students, Thüringer Waldblick Boxberg GmbH, Ringhotels Neustadt a. d. Orla, Mühlhäuser Brauhaus zum Löwen, Waldhotel Berghof, Hotel Herzog Georg, Göebl`s Sophienhotel, Toschis Station, Autoland Höhne e.K. The project embraces: a) getting familiar with the German enterprise’s system b) collecting valuable professional experience c) improvement of the ability to communicate in German language d) acquiring the specific information about the culture and history of Thüringen e) development of the ability connected with group work g) applying the theoretic knowledge into practice, comparing Polish standards of professional teaching with the German dual professional education, complementing lack of professional education through more amount of classes concerning practical actions. h) handing over the information by students to other target groups of people. These pieces on information may be used during classes connected with professional teaching and contribute partially to the improvement of quality on these classes. Allowing students to participate in such a work practice will not only contribute to the improvement of their professional predispositions but also the general knowledge about the world/Europe. Without a possibility of taking part in an external work practice some students wouldn’t have any other chance to familiarize with new solutions, interesting ideas for their future work, new culture, a different lifestyle, different mentality. We put a stress on enhancement of the students’ self-assessment, equipping them with new language, professional and social qualifications. In the future these abilities will result in readiness to take up the challenges in the work practice. The school will also take the profits of the practice. It will become more attractive for new students who graduate from the high school. Moreover, the local market concerning hotel and gastronomical industry will gain a new qualified staff and the local society will receive people who are well prepared for work, are self-confident and civilized. In the following years we will raise the number of practices, especially in the major: technician of mechatronics.

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11 Partners Participants