European Projects
Turiec do Európy, Európa do Turca 2016
Turiec do Európy, Európa do Turca 2016
Start date: Jun 1, 2016,
End date: May 31, 2017
1st consortium of secondary schools Erasmus+ in Slovakia in this project continues in successful realization of KA1 2014 and 2015. The Consortium was founded in late 2013 with the vision of cooperation, exchange of information and interaction in fulfilling goals and mission of the interconected organizations - the VET schools from Turiec - Stredná priemyselná škola (SPS-Sec.technical school), Stredná škola obchodu a služieb (SOSOaS-Sec.school of trade and services), Obchodná akadémia Martin (OAMT-Business Academy) and consortium coordinator K.A.B.A. Slovensko (KABA), with years of experience in bilan de competénces (BdC), soft skills and labour market orientation. Though with different fields, the partners want to proceed, to improve, to offer students high quality VET and react to opportunities and threads. Paretners complement each other - schools offer different VET qualifications and coordinator has wide network of EU partners and can offer beneficiaries added value in nonformal education in the area of career guidance. It is the cooperation that allows access to new information, sharing of experience and knowledge, and searching for common solutions. The aim of project Turiec to Europe, Europe to Turiec 2016 is mostly to use current knowledge and experience and formed partnerships for the purpose of maintaining high quality of offered VET, and gaining knowledge, skills and competencies of participants and share the results within schools on regional and national level. Our long term effords are aimed at implementing ECVET elements into mobilities and thus assess and validate the learning outputs (LO) gained abroad. By involving the school management and VET teachers into mobilities we create solid foundation for broader cooperation in next years, not only by sending, but also hosting students and teachers. Also allow participants to improve their language skills and bring new education techniques and design improvments in existing educ.programs. The management of schools is also involved in the mobilities, together with VET teachers they will improve the professional competencies and the students will enhance or gain new LO, in coherence with their qualification. In the preparaton period the students will attend the course of bilan de competénces with BdC counsellor from KABA, thanks to which they will gain overview of their dominant competencies, the importance of setting goals and career orientation based on their strenghts. The main goal of the project in the first phase is to send in 5 turns 24 managers, VET teachers and employees of schools and KABA, who will improve the knowledge in their respective fields, for future implementation in their sending organizations (schools) and also as added value in the cooperation with CZ and UK partners to also prepare detailed vocational program and LO for mobility of students, that is closer described within this project.In second phase will be send 20 students of OAMT in the field business academy in 2 turns to CZ and UK, and 10 students of travel and tourism to companies in CZ. 20 students of SPS will be sent in 2 turns to UK for practice in the fields of logistics and technical lyceum. 10 students of mechatronics and electrotechnics will attend practice in CZ. 20 students from SOSOaS will improve their knowledge, skills and competencies in PL and CZ hotels in the fields cook, waiter, food&drinks and hotel academy and in ES companies will be placed beautician and hairdresser. In total 90 students will be sent within the project, 50 in the VET insititutes (A2), 40 in companies (A3) and within activity 1 in total 24 teachers and managers will atend staff mobility training - 6 managers, 12 VET teachers and 6 employees of KABA and 9 teachers as accomp.person.The aim of the project is on LO aplicable in practice, mainly those that are not available at sending school, and during the preparation of participants we will use the tools of KompetenzenBilanz and BdC, that we imported in project SCAN (Leonardo TOI) in 2012 and CompCert (KA2 2014). We will exploit the online tools for monitoring and assessment - namely Ucet Zrucnosti/SkillsAccount (ucetzrucnosti.sk), that we develop for more than 2 years for the use during mobilities and currently was updated in accordance to ECVET, where thans to before/after questionnaire we can positively identify knowledges, skills and competencies gained during mobility. On this portal the students keep daily records. Original records are awarded on final conference with attendance of local partners, schools and public. They are the most honest feedback and inspiration from students. All participants, partnres, members of consortium and their local partners will join dissemination on social networks and their websites.