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Travelling Through Time in Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our partnership is made up of 5 secondary schools from France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands. Our project is focused on education, innovation and the use of ICT supported learning and teaching. As stated in “Europe 2020” and “Rethinking Education” (EC, 2012) smart growth is essential by developing the new skills and competences required, if Europe is to be competitive. Schools have a strategic role in innovation and in preparing the new generations, who need higher level skills. The quality of teaching and learning is a key factor. ICT and OER will be essential tools in education, which will become more personalized, collaborative and informal. Our partnership will use the opportunities of the digital revolution and new technologies to develop a unique online interactive Applied Game for students and teachers of European schools. Our Applied Game (AG) will motivate teachers and students, enhance the quality and relevance of education and improve learning outcomes. The AG can be used by individual teachers/learners, by schools or groups of schools in one country, but the ultimate goal is that teachers and students from schools all over Europe will be able to cooperate, learn, communicate and compete within the game. The content of our AG is based on “Travelling through time in Europe”. It will give the participants the opportunity to discover how Europe has developed and will be challenged to play an active part in European future. Our project is planned for three years and every year a new topic will be added to the game. The time line of the game covers the ‘past, present and future’ and has the title: “Time Warp”. Groups of students from all partners will compete to design a distinguish logo for the game. Every year different students and teachers will work on the AG in international groups. They will set up an online community via eTwinning to get in touch and share ideas and materials. We will use the necessary mobilities to bring students and teachers from our schools together to work collaboratively in international teams on the topics, content and rules of the game. “Time Warp” will result in an attractive AG that can be played on various levels with time-limits. Competitors will be challenged to learn more about all kind of topics, but will also develop their reading, digital and language skills (English), problem solving competences and research skills on OER. To stimulate collaborative work there will also be different levels of competition between groups/classes/schools. To make the Applied Game workable, of excellent quality and useful for all European schools we have been looking for adequate support. Professor of Educational Sciences W. Admiraal (University of Leiden), experienced in technology and education, is interested in our idea and has expressed his willingness to support and advise our partnership on how to make a successful Applied Game. In the long term we expect that “Time Warp” can grow to an Applied Game with European status and good possibilities for further developments in education. TOPICS: Because we want the AG to be useful for many different fields of study (profiles) we have chosen various topics: 1st year, European History and Culture; 2nd year, Environmental challenges in Europe; 3rd year, Communication in Europe. OBJECTIVES: KNOWLEDGE: STUDENTS will learn more about Europe, its history, culture and environmental problems; about each other’s school system; about communication in foreign languages with the help of ICT; about socio-economic differences in the EU. TEACHERS learn more about each other’s school systems; deepen their knowledge of Europe and the topics. They will learn more about the potential of new technologies for education. SKILLS: STUDENTS of our partnership (13-15 years) are digital-born learners and will now be motivated to enhance their creative, problem solving and digital skills and competences as designers of a new game. They will improve their ability to speak and write in English, the lingua franca of the project; develop their social skills by working in international groups and adapting to different cultural habits; improve their ability to use ICT and OER for educational purposes; TEACHERS will improve their English; develop their social skills by working in international groups; improve their digital skills and ability to use ICT and OER for educational purposes; improve budgeting, planning and organizing skills; be able to upgrade their teaching abilities and professional profiles. ATTITUDES: STUDENTS, TEACHERS & SCHOOL STAFF will think positively about collaborating on an international scale; be more open to innovation and international orientation; become more aware of the importance of being responsible citizens and will increase their European awareness and the feeling that they are part of the European community.

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