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trash treasure, gebraucht - geschätzt
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Under the title „trash treasure, wasted - valued“, 20 teenagers from Germany, Hungary and Bosnia-Herzegovina will get together from August 8th to 21th 2016 in Kos Dubica (Bosnia-Herzegovina) in order to reflect on our basis of life, reducing, recycling and upcycling of waste. Thereby the issue of consumption and usage of resources is the main focus of the camp and the activities. Specifically, the young people will be concerned with the question whether (on the basis of various resources) sparing consumption, relinquishment or (re)usage (recycling) could be solutions to this pressing problem. Problems and alternatives will be discussed and experience in excursions will be gained; in workshops new ideas for other means of consumption and usage will be creatively developed. It will be deliberately discussed what the respective situations are like in the home countries of participants. In practical workshop slots they will change a wasted urban place into a green Oasis, a place to rest and calm down, built with local plants and upcycled waste. The teenagers are supposed to develop concrete alternatives in creative workshops. E.g., new recyclable products can be created from waste or recipes focusing on sustainability can be tried out. Some of the teenagers have participated in the ewoca-projects of previous years. The others will be won from our partners in youth welfare service because the target group is underprivileged adolescents (16 to 23 years). Various congresses and courses for professional development in ewoca-context will be used as a specific preparation for the camp. There will also be another preparatory meeting of the team in Bosnia in order to have enough time for the joint preparation. Impact of the project: the teenagers will get to know one another intensively by dealing with the issue ecofriendly living, sustainability, waste reduction and upcycling. Especially in a European context they will realise that they are capable of acting. The latter is of special importance to the intended target group. The implementation of the issue is focused on activities and is supposed to lead to a public presentation. That way the teenagers can experience and work out an issue and thereby understand its international dimensions. They also actively try out their possibilities of acting and thus gain a sense of achievement. They learn that language skills are useful but that there are also other ways of communication and making contact. Hence the youth summit also and especially furthers the teenagers personality development. They dare more, trust themselves and extend their range of action. Thus (intercultural) awareness-raising and the experience of their own opportunities for action are important pedagogic aims that are linked to a sense of responsibility and a „grand connectedness“. The latter is to be seen in several ways: The teenagers shall learn that we are part of the earth and bear a responsibility through our way of life; however, traditions and differences in various countries need to be considered. This is where intercultural learning begins by continually asking how certain issues are dealt with in the respective country. The sensitization for the environmental future as the major category is thus complemented with intercultural and personality-building objectives. Another important experience for the target group is the widening mobility in a broad sense: enhancement of previous thinking / behavioral patterns and geographically by moving beyond their suburb and getting to know other countries, people and cultures in a European context. We do expect a long-term benefit from the activities when, e.g., some of the teenagers will be open to participate in an EVS in one of the partner-countries. All partners are hoping for the cooperation to intensify in a long-term and for an increased equality of the collaboration. Once the group of participants is found there will be preparatory meetings with the participants in the respective country. The groups will stay in touch with one another via internet in order to exchange ideas and to remove ambiguities. That way participants get the opportunity to participate in the run-up to the programme and their proposals shall be taken into consideration.The planned activity is part of the project ewoca3 (3 countries, 3 partners, 3 camps, 3 years) that the Jugendakademie Walberberg is engaged in since 2012. Together with our partners from Hungary and Bosnia-Herzegovina we carried out a very successful camp in Hungary In 2015, so the 2016 camp is the second activity of the current 3 years cycle.

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2 Partners Participants