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Transparenz in der Europäischen Altenpflege durch Lernpartnerschaften
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the light of a shrinking working population and a lack of skilled labor, the European geriatric care sector is faced with an urgent need for action. The European society is in need of self-confident, positive, well-trained and skilled personnel in order to cope with the long-term problem of a growing number of people in need of care. It is necessary to direct the international focus on the conditions and contents of the training and education in order to ensure that jobs in this area remain beneficial and competitive in the future. This is only possible if all actors involved gain an international insight into the different standards of education and training in the area of geriatric care. European exchange programs for students in this area represent a first, decisive step to achieve these goals. Due to the EU’s enlargement to the east, workers in the care sector are already offering their services in Germany today. However, the occupation of migrant care workers is mostly seen critically – in many cases qualifications and competencies are not recognized because they fail to meet the required standards. The AGS has long been occupied with the question of how the education and qualification of workers in Poland can be structured in order to ensure that their qualifications are recognized by German nursing and care facilities as well as home care services and that they gain an equal access to the labor market in Germany. The study trips of teachers, lecturers and students from Schleswig-Holstein to Wojewodzki Zespol Szol Policealnach in Gdansk aim at conveying a realistic picture of Polish care education to all actors involved. This is a first step towards achieving transparency and overcoming prejudices in both countries. 30 lecturers and teachers of the AGS and instructors and trainers from cooperating care facilities will participate in the study trip and will gain a realistic insight into the structure of Polish education and training programs for care professions. The weeklong trip will include information, discussion and reflection rounds with Polish colleagues and students about the educational system for geriatric care in Poland, the existing access possibilities and requirements to the German market for geriatric care, the different educational degrees, the financing possibilities as well as the theoretical and practical contents of teaching in the two countries. By taking part in teaching sessions, the participants of the trip will get to know new teaching methods and other teaching facilities, thus setting new impulses for improving their own teaching methods. The learning outcomes will be documented in the EU mobility pass. Based on these newly gained insights, educational concepts and qualification modules in Germany can be adjusted in order to enhance and facilitate the professional, linguistic and cultural sensitive preparation of foreign nursing and care staff for employment in Germany in the future. As state-recognized nurses, Polish nurses will have the opportunity for a sustainable integration into the German labor market. Furthermore, the AGS is planning to organize information events and multiplier training courses in order to sensibilise and qualify human resource managers of care facilities for the topic of „integration of foreign nursing staff“. However, the promotion of mobility of teachers, lecturers, instructors and trainers is not considered to be a one-way street from east to west. The cross-border collaboration is rather seen as a partnership of equals. The results of the professional, cultural, linguistic and social dialogue will be used for a joint transnational development of qualified professional in the geriatric care sector.

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