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Transferring Innovation for Maritime Economy. (TIME)
Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The TIME project was set up to foster crossborder business and technological cooperation in maritime activities. The project expects to launch sustainable business and technology clusters to improve local trading.TIME brings together three Business and Innovation Centres from France, Flanders and the UK, who master innovation management techniques. They will identify needs and opportunities, help the client organisations conclude agreements and implement innovative projects on a crossborder level.For each activity, a supply chain analysis will enable the identification of weaknesses and omissions in the supply chain of a sector, and identify the technology providers - academic labs, or technology based firms - that might be able to correct these deficiencies. Then, after conducting interviews, the «matching process» will identify relevant crossborder cooperation opportunities. Expected Results: What are the key results of the project?The concrete results the project expects to acheive are the following:- common R&D projects bringing together businesses and technological resources (university labs, research centres, technological centres) from different parts of the 2 Seas area- joint ventures, cooperation agreements and supply contracts between project benficiaries- new start up initiatives- information exchangeIn terms of figures, partners expect to create 10 cross-border collaborations in each Member State for the whole project. They also expect to create 3 interregional professional clubs, for each sector, that will be supported by local authorities.Are all partners and territories benefitting from the results?The beneficiaries are multiple, regardless of the Member State in which they are based. These will include:- businesses, identified in the supply chain of maritime activities including SMEs and larger corporations that already offer or are looking for technological improvements and/or are wanting to increase their network of business relations- businesses having no link, at present, with the maritime sector, to use their technologies in order to become suppliers of this sector.- businesses which have an interest in diversifying withtiin the maritime sector or which can adapt their technologies to suit the needs of this sector- research labs, technology and knowledge centres : technology and highly specialized knowledge offers- Chambers of Commerce and other development agencies supporting SMEs in an advisory capacity (included in the advisory committee).What are the effects / outcomes for the territories involved?The main effects/outcomes for the project will be the same for each territory and are as follows:- realignment of the supply chain in order to optimise the use of goods and services that come from within the 2 Seas area.- development of clusters and professional clubs, which will themselves be able to generate trade on an international basis generating wealth for the region.- knowledge and technology transfers, rendering the businesses more competitive inside and outside the project boundaries.- new joint ventures, cooperations and innovative business start-ups will allow for an increase of employment,rpoviding growth for the 2 Seas area.- the environment will be favoured using positive, cleaner technologies.- establishment of a methodology that will be used after the end of the project for other maritime activities within the cross border region, and in other European regions by other BICs or similar organisations

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  • 50%   719 329,68
  • 2007 - 2013 2 SEAS (FR-UK-BE-NL)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants