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Transferring Good Governance in the EU´s Neighbourhood (EUTRANSGOV)
Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Mar 3, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"EUTRANSGOV concentrates on the transfer of good governance / institution-building (‘soft’ norms) in the EU’s neighbourhood, a topic which has attracted further attention since the revolutions in North Africa. Policy transfer gained momentum in International Relations and EU Studies to highlight changes within and outside the EU. This project complements research on EU enlargement and the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) in establishing an interdisciplinary cartography of the various approaches in “Policy Transfer Studies”. Its analytical framework, combined with an original methodology, allows for the identification of unexplored empirical case studies and transferable knowledge on successful (or less successful) norm and policy transfers in EU external relations.Three objectives need to be fulfilled to accomplish the project:Objective 1: to clarify the concepts of policy transfer and related notions in EU external relations.Objective 2: to elaborate an analytical framework with a pluralist methodology.Objective 3: to enhance empirical knowledge on the transfer of good governance in the EU’s neighbourhood.As results, the applicant expects:- to contribute greatly to academic debates in clarifying the use of policy transfer and good governance in EU external relations;- to advance the knowledge on the concrete ('real world') functioning of EU foreign policy and on its impact in the EU’s direct neighbourhood and abroad;- to enhance the visibility of the applicant’s past and current research activities for the applicant’s own career advancement."
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