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TRANsfer Selling and Marketing Innovation Training

In order to strenghen the European Competitiveness, several organisations have been set up to support innovation and industrial cooperation: clusters, pôles de compétitivité, technopôles, innovation parks, etc.Mission of these organizations have been to provide training and consulting services to their members, in particular to high-tech SMEs.The goal of TRANSMIT project was to transfer a training program towards these European clusters (starting with a sample of five clusters). Developed and commercialized under a previous Leonardo European project; the training is conceived to address sales and marketing lack of competences in high-tech SMEs.In order to ensure a successful transfer, each cluster was paired with a local training institution such as University or vocational training agency. The strategy was to build up cluster-university partnerships able to integrate, improve and diffuse the program in their region.In each partner country, the “training partner” have to provide human and pedagogical resources so as to acquire and deliver the program. whereas the “cluster partner” has been testing and deploying the training actions in the high-tech SMEs. In the short term, the project had an impact on about 3000 European SMEs.

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8 Partners Participants