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Transfer of Knowledge in the field of Ecodesign

The project sets out to incorporate environmentally friendly design (Ecodesign) into product design and development in selected European industries. Practical implementation of concrete Ecodesign projects will be delivered through a programme that trains environmental trainers and consultants who will then train company representatives responsible for product design/development. Environmental experts from four of the partnership organisations will be trained in the theory and preparation of Ecodesign in key manufacturing sectors. Training of trainers will be carried out by two project partners with experience in this field. Newly trained environmental experts will be required to use their training experience to develop study material on the principles of Ecodesign in manufacturing. They will also develop handbooks and guidebooks for the delivery of material. The training material and accompanying guides will be piloted with companies in the form of practical training sessions. The results of these sessions will inform revision of the training process and accompanying material and will be elaborated as printed 'case studies'. The resulting 'Ecodesign training kit' and 'Ecodesign marketing brochure' will be distributed in printed form, on CD-Rom and via both the project website and partners' own websites. Existing partner networks and a dedicated project website will ensure the widest possible dissemination.
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5 Partners Participants