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Trans e-Scouts: Empowering eFacilitators for intergenerational dialogue

It was intended to "raise awareness of the contribution that older people make to society, and strengthening solidarity between generations".Nevertheless, the achievement of these aims, also requires specific programs and above all, specialized facilitators. This project is about training eFacilitators already active in the social field in intergenerational skills, to become the key actors and facilitate intergenerational dialogue between senior and young citizens. As an added value, the project also addresses two other important aims: 1) the digital inclusion of seniors in the digital divide; 2) the guidance of vulnerable youngsters in adult life and employability skills and attitudes. All in all, this challenging project aimed to transfer the already tested and successful "Intergenerational Learning Circle", from Spain to 3 new European countries - Latvia, Lithuania and Croatia -, through a previous context analysis and localization process, to ensure the Circle's practicality and feasibility at the local level. All the process was based on the "Intergenerational Learning in Blended Environments and Spaces - ILBES" methodology, a new approach developed ad hoc for this learning circle, inspired in two proven learning methodologies which were combined for the first time: the "Community Service Learning -CSL" and the "Participatory and Appreciative Action and Reflection - PAAR". The whole learning process was mediated by ICT means (social web applications) and Blended Environments and Spaces.Through this process, we achieved the initial and direct aims of the project, but also some important complementary ones: 1. Improved other key competences for lifelong learning like digital, cultural, social or interpersonal;2. The ability to learning to learn, and a sense of initiative; 3. Contribution to reduce alienation, social passivity and isolation in the two identified social groups;4. Promotion of social cohesion.Last, but not least, this project promoted the transfer and sharing of experience and best practices among European countries with similar social challenges, taking advantage of already tested and successful methodologies and products, saving resources and efforts and strengthening transnational cooperation and social enrichment.
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4 Partners Participants