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Training to performance
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is an Adult education project, under KA1, in the Erasmus + Programme framework. The partner institutions are Casa Corpului Didactic Dambovita si CFIE Valladolid. Both are public bodies, teacher traininig providers for the pre-university level. The aims of the project are developing the managerial competences for the head-master of the institution and the teacher-trainers responsible for the activity domains Marketing, Projects, Training, Scientific and methodical activities, to develop a model of training centered on organizational developing of the schools based on human resource development trough products with a high degrees of efficiency, applicability and accessibility and increasing of the European dimension and internationalization. The objectives of the project are developing the managerial competences for the participants, as follow: - the head-master - improving the management competences, focusing on efficient development of the intra- and inter-institutional processes - the Marketing responsible - developing the competences to implement new methods / instruments for an efficient need-analysis - the Project responsible - developing the competences to create / implement Institutional projects for human resources development for the schools - the Training responsible - developing the competences to create training programmes with an increased practical character, focusing on teachers competences - the Scientific activities responsible - developing the competences to create activities with an increased practical character, focusing on creating resources for the teaching process. These objectives will be reached trough a job-shadowing activity at CFIE Valladolid (who implements a training model based on the finalities mentioned earlier) where the participants will be the head-master of CCD DB and the four trainers, responsible for the domains mentioned above. The activities won't be limited on copying the model to implement, but to adjust it to the national and organisational back-ground. The project activities will be: - preparatory activities (logistic, general, intercultural and lingvistic) - mobility activity (job-shadowing with 5 participants from CCD DB to CFIE Valladolid) - follow-up activities (implementation in the daily activities of CCD DB and valorisation of the out-put - work-shops with head-masters and teachers responsible for in-service training from schools, trainers, scientific activities organizers, a good-practice guide) The project management will be ensured by a management team with 6 people (coordinator, a responsible for finance, a responsible for monitoring, a responsible for dissemination and valorisation, a responsible for evaluation, a responsible for documents and project products). The expected results will be changing the training from the individual point of view to the organizational one, increasing the applicability of the training and products / services generated during the training, a more efficient relation with the target groups and an increased European dimension. The impact will be found not only at the direct participants, but at the beneficiary, too (direct - head-masters and teachers responsible for in-service training from schools, trainers, scientific activities organizers and indirect - teachers and schools), with developed specific competences following the results of the projects.

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