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Training for Intangible assets exploitation

1. Reason for the project: In an increasingly global, knowledge−based economy, the need for a greater understanding of Intellectual Property management is crucial for business success. Many sources, including the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) recognize that the increasing contribution to research and innovation from SMEs is not matched by a widespread awareness of the IP system, and of the way to commercially exploit intangible assets (innovations). Furthermore, there is a worldwide cultural hurdle within university research arenas that is yet to be challenged – whether to protect or to publish Intellectual Property and how to generate social or economic value from it.This phenomenon is even more challenging in new member state countries which are, on one side, still catching up with EU15 concerning innovation performance, and on the other, are in the crucial process of reviewing and strengthening their innovation supply system, by both setting up new innovation intermediary organizations and building the skills of the personnel working in the innovation supply system. Not withstanding, there is a recognized lack of IP exploitation training available.2. Main aims and objectives: The INTASS project intends to fill this gap in Hungary by transferring 2 existing programmes addressed to innovation intermediaries, universities, SMEs and Big Industries (BIs) for developing awareness of the commercial value of IP and the appropriate skills for designing and implementing exploitation strategies for their business. The concerned programmes have been developed by EU15 partners summing up their experience and know how. The programmes will be used as base for tailoring training initiative in the transferee country in line with the regional context and actual needs. The project addresses directly: • Intermediary organizations • Training agencies • Research centres, universities; and indirectly: • Personnel of SMEs and BIs; • Researchers; • Inventors.3. Characteristic of consortium:3 international partners will provide the know how and other three HUpartners will receive and adapt it. The transferee organizations are determined to improve the IP awareness of their researchers and keen to provide the training for interested businesses and intermediaries.4.Tangible and intangible outcomes: • designing of 2 regional modular training programmes; • localization of information material on IPR issues addressed to intermediaries and SMEs/BIs; • provision and localization of teaching materials, tools and advice (training toolkit); • training the trainers for successfully run the programme; • pilot testing and regional curricula fine-tuning; • training programme mainstreamed. 5. Impact envisaged: • the IP awareness and thus the efficacy of IP utilization will raise considerably among the employees of the transferee organizations, • an unavailable high quality training will be provided as adult training course in the field of IP utilization.
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5 Partners Participants