European Projects
Training “Empowered AS Entrepreneurs”
Training “Empowered AS Entrepreneurs”
Start date: Apr 1, 2015,
End date: Dec 31, 2015
T.E.AS.E was an interesting project for both the management host team and the sending organizations’participants as we all learnt important new competences for our future: host team improved their management of youth projects’ skills, communication with partners, visibility and promotional actions and tools, logistic and practical preparations for the 26 participants to have all the necessary materials, conditions, internet, space for exhibit flip-charts, breaks, leisure time, finding accommodation to provide all these conditions, search for the restaurant to serve catering as the participants could order themselves for their lunch and dinner from the menu; arranging travel was also a challenge as the 26 people were coming from different countries and places in that country; except for the Bulgarians, all the other had to be directed individually to reach Craiova, Casa Boiereasca in safe and time. Being our first Erasmus+ project, we had to adapt and learn on the way, declarations, presence list, beautiful Mobility tool which was hard to access in the beginning, thanks to Bogdan from the NA and later on Anca Derjac, we managed to fit in all the program’s conditions and papers. As a team, we all grew stronger and were ready to make also the follow-up activities in time, to keep in touch with the other partners and participants who, almost all, sent us pictures from their dissemination and follow-up sessions. We are now more prepared to implement new projects, we helped our partners with many documents like press releases, visibility tools, models for travel declarations and reimbursement request forms as we had them done and could share. We built inside TEASE a strong partnership and nowadays we communicate all the time on FB with our partners sharing new ideas how to continue the project and also participants want to continue running non-formal sessions in schools. We are more competent now all together as a consequence of the stress and fun from the implementation process.
On the other hand, TEASE, fought against youth unemployment using non-formal learning tools and international networking for 9 months as we consider our main goals reached in this sense as our 26 participants discovered during the TC how to transfer their competences on entrepreneurship in their sending communities (both practical - developed in 4 creative and innovative workshops and theoretical on financial responsibility and business plan) to 130 young unemployed from vulnerable groups as Romani, rural people and prisoners, how , by working in an inspirational learning and sharing context, using interactive non-formal methods as role plays, simulations and drama methods, mime, workshops, peer learning, graphic facilitation, storytelling, debates, social media applications, to trust themselves and the power of Networking and the new created tools and to contribute to the improving of the quality and efficiency of entrepreneurship education and training.