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Training and Job-shadowing for an European School
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Secondary School Nereju Mic implemented between 01.09.2014-31.08 2016, the Erasmus + project KA1, “Training and Job Shadowing for an European School”. The project’s objectives were: - providing the teacher’s mobility within the European space, in order to improve their skills in approaching the teaching process; - improving managerial skills and curricular approach to produce changes in the modernization and internationalization of educational process; - development of teaching skills to improve the formal, non-formal and informal education for modernization, internationalization and integration of graduates into the European labor market; - development of grip of social, cultural and linguistic diversity; - improving language skills and use of ICT; - increasing teachers' motivation and satisfaction at work; - identifying the opportunities for personal, professional development and for career’s; - facilitating cooperation with partners from education systems in the EU, in order to exchange best practices, to implement projects and international partnerships; - developing management skills of international projects; - opening teachers to European policies, practices and educational systems. Our partners in achieving the proposed objectives was: • ITC International Czech Republic • Escola Ramon Llull, Spania • Szkola Podstawowa z Oddzialami Integracyjnymi 162, Poland • Huseyin Avni Atesoglu Primary School, Turkey • 10th primary school of Agii Anargyri, Greece The activities of the project were: - selection of participants in mobility activities; - the conclusion of partnership agreements between the Nereju Mic Primary and Lower Secondary School and schools in Spain, Turkey, Poland, Greece. In these partnerships agreements were established the objectives and activities for the period of mobility, rights and obligations of each partner (for job-shadowing activities); The conclusion of partnership agreement between The Secondary School Nereju Mic and ITC International, the provider for trainings; - involvement of teachers selected from the Nereju Mic Primary and Lower Secondary School for mobility in preparatory activities: language training, intercultural training; - conduct of mobility activities provided in the project (the participation of the teachers to two continuous training courses- Current Issues in Education/ Early School Leaving and ICT in Education; the attendance to job-shadowing activities/observation activities of aspects approach related to management and curriculum at primary education in EU countries with results at the international assessments higher than those obtained by the Romanian students; -monitoring the proposed activities and the objectives achieved by the project coordinator of Nereju Mic Primary and Lower Secondary School and by the representatives of the partner institutions in the project; - providing permanent communication between project coordinator of Nereju Mic Primary and Lower Secondary School, representatives of partner institutions and teachers involved in mobility; - promotion and dissemination of the project’s results (the legal representative of Nereju Mic Primary and Lower Secondary School and the project coordinator will ensure the transparence of project’s activities through local media, network of managers and teachers from Vrancea County, through parents representatives and of the community, through representatives of local authorities); - preparation and submission of the final report of the project; - integrating the experience gained in the educational process of Nereju Mic Primary and Lower Secondary School and preparation for new collaborations and European partnerships in the context of capitalization of social network built within the mobility project (Colaboration with Primary School from Poland in order to apply for a grant to develop a strategic partnership KA2); The project’s outcomes were: - 12 certificates of taking part in the mobility activities (4 certificates to training courses, 8 certificates to job-shadowing) - 12 activity reports - 12 individual plans of dissemination of the objectives and of the activities from the period of mobility; - 1 institutional report of the project; - 9 activities of dissemination of the results of the mobility project; - 10 schools in our geographic area thoroughly informed about the mobility project (objectives, activities, results, the review of EDP and novel management and curriculum approachings ). - 2 reviewed school documents according to the integration of the contents mobility (PDI, PM). The outcomes of the project were disseminated in this way: - through publishing of 4 articles in local newspapers; 2 notifications on and e-twinning; through meetings with teachers, parents, community, local autorities; through teachers meetings and activities performed within the teachers' pedagogical meeting; through activities performed during the principals' meetings.

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