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Trainers in Literacy and Basic Skills Informal Knowledge Transfer
Start date: Jan 1, 2014,

In the United Kingdom, Austria, Germany, Poland, and Switzerland and other European countries academically backed up qualifications, trainings and modules for trainers in literacy and basic skills provision (reading, writing, numeracy, and use of ICT) have been developed and tested over the past years. Surveys amongst qualified trainers and evaluations show that there is additional need and demand for the development of structures facilitating the implementation of methods for informal professionalization of basic skills trainers. Experiences gained by education providers show that methods of informal professionalization such as mutual counselling and peer learning, giving feedback, job-shadowing, and collaboration of pedagogical personnel and trainers prove to be highly efficient if applied. The lack of specific process know-how and tools, as well as a lack of adequate resources often prevent basic skills providers from implementing such methods or tools. Although digital literacy is obviously developing to be THE basic skill in the years to come and Social Media and Web 2.0 tools are readily available to facilitate cost- and time-effective professional exchange, trainers do not use or are not trained to use these tools. SHAREIT`s goal is to meet these demands by collecting, testing, evaluating, and transferring effective on-the-job methods for informal and co-operative professionalization. We will support networking and informal exchange of professionals with appropriate measures – a training, an online Platform, tools for and a handbook on efficient professional exchange - and systematically link up basic skills trainers on a transnational level.
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