European Projects
Trainers Against Discrimination
Trainers Against Discrimination
Start date: May 1, 2015,
End date: Dec 1, 2015
The idea of the project “Trainers Against Discrimination” was to broad and strengthen already existed network of young trainers/multipliers, formed as a result of last year project “youth for peaceful co-existence”, The project has gathered young trainers and multipliers from 8 different countries, from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Germany, Georgia, Russian Federation and Turkey,’ to introduce them simulation game as a tool for civic education and change making methodology and further develop participants competences by enriching their personal tool kit.
The main topics of the training-seminar, as well as of the simulation game were dedicated to integration/minority issues. During the training seminar, participant has discussed different realities, problems and challenges related to integration. The simulation game itself has addressed these issues on two levels as on a very local level as well as on an institutional level, which helped participants to understand where and how problems are raising and how the solutions are developed on different levels.
As a result of the project, the training participants learnt about the method of simulation games and other special tools used during the seminar, so they are enabled to use them in their work. Participants had field visits in the organizations working on the related issues in Georgia and in Croatia, where they also had opportunity to make professional contacts and develop partnerships.
The project has been carried out by different implementation phases.
→ Preparation meeting: The preparation meeting aimed to gather coordinators from partner organiztaions, together with facilitators and discuss details of the implementation of the whole process. The special focus were made on the analysis of the local problems, in order to enrich simulation game and prepare qualified program to raise awareness about challenges related to the process of integration in different communities
→ First meeting/Training of Trainers: One week intensive TOT aimed to give special skills and knowledge to young trainers in facilitating simulation game. To provide chance for participants to get into the topic of integration, Identity and discrimination as well as to get roles of stakeholders in simulation game and address the challenges rose during the game itself. Another aim of the first meeting was to let participants work on creating new simulation game on their own, and plan local activities which they would implement in their communities back home.
→ Local activities: Participants, in cooperation with project partners were supposed to develop and implement local simulation games with selected participants in their communities, where trainers actually were given a chance test their knowledge and skills in practice to facilitate simulation game independently. This stage also helped local communities to get to know new methodology, become decision makers and openly discuss challenges in their societies.
→ Evaluation Meeting: This phase aimed to share and discuss the reports prepared by participant trainers on their local activities, where analyses of different cases and sharing good and bad practices took place. Another aim of the meeting was to further work on developing participants skills in facilitation simulation games and provide qualified feedback on case studies. The meeting also aimed to evaluate overall project and share follow up ideas and needs for strengthening the network.
The target group of our project were the young trainers, multipliers living and working in the target countries, mentioned above. The participants were selected together with our partner organizations by considering their motivation, experience, and interest in the topic of the project.
As a result of the project: participants received new skills and knowledge on how how to facilitate simulation games. They shared different experiences and heard best practices on how to address the issue of integration in different communities.
Within the project 9 local activities took place in target countries and participants have conducted and facilitated simulation games in their communities. In total over 190 participants has participated in local simulation games and became a beneficiary of the project.
“Once you are introduced to something new there is no way that you won't expand your life experience and knowledge. This game was the tool for new learning point. I got to know the characters and I had to become the one I was assigned to. This is how I put myself and the others on examination and (self) evaluation.” Elvira from Croatia.