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Trainees´ Mobility Project 2014-2016: Jade Region with AT, CZ, FI, GB, NL, and SE
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context: The Cooperation "Internationale Berufsbildung Jade" - short IBJ - is a regional network of the vocational schools in Jever, Varel, Wilhelmshaven and Wittmund. Projects with work placements of trainees have been jointly applied for and carried out in this network since 2007. It relies on a relatively stable network of partner schools abroad, which represent the link to the placement companies abroad. Work placements are largely organized bilaterally. Objectives: The main objective of the project was to promote the acquisition of intercultural and international vocational competences of students and trainees, and teachers at vocational schools. In addition, generic competences were at the center, such as the promotion of independence, self-reliance and self-responsibility. In the affective domain the point was to recognize an internship as an opportunity for a future career and not as a threatening strange situation abroad, and thus to motivate and attract the participants to the international perspective of their own professional activity. Concerning the teaching staff, the goal was to increase the number of internationally active employees and to involve professional sectors which had not been involved so far. Participants: A total of 56 students and trainees attending the IBJ-schools and additional teachers participated in the project. Mainly trainees who had already passed the intermediate examination, or who were in or at the end of the second year of their training were sent abroad. In selecting the participants, emphasis was put on at least average performance by the students. They should also already know as many departments of their training organization, have learned enough complex job-specific knowledge and have high social skills, with which they could be appreciated abroad as pleasant, affable, interested and inquisitive employees. On this basis, the experience gained abroad should be best placed in relation to and analyzed with the own daily professional situation at home (in mind). The selection was purposefully coordinated between teachers and company trainers to ensure a smooth stay abroad. Activities: Most trainees were trained in the German "Dual System". Other participants attended full-time specialized vocational school programmes. The trainees completed two week stays in Austria (9), three- or four-week stays in Finland (10), United Kingdom (8), Netherlands (8), Czech Republic (4), Spain (3), Ireland (2), Austria (2 ), Poland (2) and Denmark (1) or 8-week stays in Austria (7) in the sectors hospitality and catering (18), business and administration (12), health care (8), agriculture (8), tourism management (5) information technology (3) as well as banking and financial sector (2). The learning stays took place either at the end of the first year of vocational training (agriculture and hospitality/catering) or in the second year. The experience of business reality and the vocational system in a foreign country was at the forefront. Teachers took part in one-week stays in Finland (4), Austria (2) and Spain (1). During these stays teachers represented the sectors hospitality/food (2), crafts/technology (2) agriculture (1) beauty and personal care (1) as well as business and administration (1) with the aim to expand the contacts initiated and to use them for further development of bilateral exchange activities. Results and Impact: The objectives set have been largely achieved and the positive trend of regular, bilateral mobilities, for example in the health care sector (FI, CZ), the IT sector and beauty/personal care (FI) have intensified our cooperation with training companies within trainee mobilities and beyond. Above all, an even more intensive examination and application of ECVET principles has taken place that has increased the learning outcomes and the quality of our mobilities further. Long-term Benefits: Overall, a further stabilization, institutionalization and professionalization of our cooperation with partner institutions abroad has taken place. Thus, the development towards the perception of internships abroad as a regular module in initial vocational training was supported on the part of all participants and stakeholders in our region. The project was an occasion and an important means to advance cooperation of all protagonists of vocational education and training in internationalization in our region. Within this cooperation, it has helped that IBJ and IBJ-schools could sharpen their own profile as an internationally competent, useful and necessary, and strong partner in initial vocational training for the region.
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