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TRAIN - Trainings in Europe for a sustainable development of the local areas
Start date: Sep 28, 2015, End date: Sep 27, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is one of the initiatives promoted from the large local network, of which the Applicant is part, made up of public and private entities, which has among its objectives the development of the economic system of Brescia in a context of sustainability, local enhancement, development of employment, training and qualification of human resources. TRAIN is addressed to students attending 3rd, 4th and 5th 5th classes of VET institutes specializing in International Relations and Marketing, Tourism, Construction Environment and Land and Agrarian, Agribusiness and Agro-industryThe project provides 180 individual internships abroad for 2 or 4 weeks in the field of heritage promotion with particular attention to the development environmentally sustainable activities. TRAIN is a result of a thorough analysis of the needs of the market and of the professions required, conducted by the members of the consortium through the direct comparison between the teachers of VET institutions, students, companies and organizations.The analysis reveals a gap between the skills required by the market and those actually possessed, both technical and lingual as well as a widespread lack of knowledge of the business world. In particular, companies have detected poor abilities in the specific area of territorial/local development and lackof soft skills and social.The analysis outlined the training needs thus enabling a shared definition of the project, its educational objectives and the type of internships. Therefore, the objectives of the project are: -to support the students in acquiring skills (knowledge, skills and attitudes) in order to contribute to their professional development for a wider employability in the labor market; -to promote the personal growth of the participants, the intercultural and language learning and a sense of belonging to Europe; -to promote in students the opportunity to start international contacts, for active participation in society and the development of awareness of European citizenship The project aims to contribute to the development of skills in field of the development of the local area and in a perspective of a environmental sustainability, of high standard of services, through the use of communication techniques and innovative tourism marketing. Oltre ai risultati positivi attesi per i partecipanti, il progetto contribuirà al rafforzamento della rete tra le aziende del settore e gli istituti scolastici coinvolti, grazie al lavoro sinergico messo in campo durante le attività. Inoltre, attraverso quest'esperienza gli istituti scolastici partner avranno l'opportunità di qualificare il livello della propria offerta formativa e di raffforzare le proprie competenze nell'ambito della progettazione europea. In addition to the expected positive results for the participants, the project will help strengthen the network between companies and schools involved, thanks to the work synergistic work carried out during activities. Moreover, through this experience schools partners will have the opportunity to enhance the level of their training offer and strenghten their skills in the design of European projects. The project will contribute to the increase of mobility linked to vocational training abroad and to strengthen national and transnational networks through the dissemination of good practices For the management of the project we will use monitoring and evaluation tools already tested in previous projects. Also the training of the participants will be constantly monitored and evaluated. They will be validated through the issue of a dossier of competence validation which includes the Europass Mobility certificate. In case of a positive outcome of the training program, students will receive a credit. Throughout the project period, targeted actions will be carried out for the promotion and dissemination of the results on a large scale thanks to the wide and varied local and international parntnership, consisting of 27 partners: 5 VET schools, Local Authorities and representative bodies of national social tourism, associations, cooperatives, tourism associations and consortia. Students will be sent in 13 partner organizations from 8 countries: Ireland, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Lithuania and Portugal The project will last 1 year
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13 Partners Participants