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Train Intercultural Mediators for a Multicultural Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project Train Intercultural Mediators for a Multicultural Europe (TIME) explores practices of training and employing intercultural mediators for immigrants (IMfI) throughout EU. It promotes the exchange of good practices in the field of intercultural mediation by proposing model training programmes for both intercultural mediators and their trainers. TIME also analyses existing structures in the partner countries and proposes recommendations for the validation of IMfI training. Context/background of project: During the last years many interventions have been implemented in EU promoting interculturalism, i.e. the cohesive interaction within multicultural societies. Training and employing IMfI has been among the measures taken to promote migrant integration. In many cases such interventions have been short-lived, disconnected to other related projects or fragmented. As a result no clear picture exists so far of the current state of intercultural mediation for immigrants at European level, nor does transfer of practices exist between the partnership countries. Objectives: -To depict a European panorama/overview of IMfI training and employing practices -To transfer good practices by embedding them into the project products -To create comprehensive IMfI training programmes that correspond both to the established needs of the partnership countries and to academic standards -To suggest assessment and evaluation tools for IMfI training and practice -To promote the standardisation, validation and recognition of IMfI training and employment -To raise awareness among policy makers, stakeholders and all those involved in immigration issues of the necessity for the systematic employment of well-trained IMfI -To provide the groundwork for enhanced sustainability of future interventions for migrant integration -To contribute to a more cohesive migrant integration policy in the EU Number and profile of participants: The partnership consists of 8 partners from 7 different countries. 2 HEIs are involved (the Hellenic Open University, Greece, and the University Pope John-Paul II, Poland), 2 VET providers (Olympic Training, Greece, and BEST, Austria), 1 social cooperative (Programma Integra, Italy), 1 public service organisation (the Intercultural Mediation Unit of the Federal Public Service for Public Health, Belgium), 1 organisation for international cooperation, (BGZ Berlin International Cooperation Agency, Germany), and 1 local authority organisation (Lisbon Municipal Police, Portugal). Olympic Training is the coordinator of the project. Activities: Research will be conducted in all partner countries on IMfI training and employment practices. A report will be published with research results and good practices will be highlighted. Based on research an outline of the desired IMfI and their trainers profile will be created, and subsequently comprehensive training programmes for IMfI and their trainers will be designed. These programmes will be aligned with NQFs, EQF, ECVET. Validation, certification and accreditation procedures in the partnership countries will be explored, and a report will provide recommendations for each country. Extensive dissemination activities are foreseen to reach all potential beneficiaries, such as a project webpage, workshops, conferences, leaflets, publications in media and specialised press, Open Educational Resources. Methodology: Throughout the project, project management methodology is employed, for proper time and budget control, risk handling, effective communication and coordination. For the design and implementation of the project activities, academic research along with adult training methodology and networking tools are used. A targeted communication strategy is employed for the submission of recommendations for policy formulation. A comprehensive monitoring and evaluation methodology ensures quality and achievement of objectives and results. Results and impact: The project products will provide ready-to-use tools for training IMfI and mediator trainers, establishing high quality standards and corresponding to actual needs. Best practices from all over Europe will be integrated into the products and transferred through them. Standardisation, validation and certification of IMfI training will be actively promoted through close cooperation with policy-makers and stakeholders. Large numbers of institutions, professionals and individuals concerned with migrant integration issues will be reached through dissemination activities and connected through a forum. TIME will contribute significantly to the systematisation of knowledge and methodology in the field of intercultural mediation for immigrants. Longer term benefits: ΤΙΜΕ will provide a milestone to research of intercultural mediation for immigrants in EU. The overview and training programmes to be created will facilitate systematic European, national, regional and local interventions in migrant integration practices and policy.
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7 Partners Participants