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Tradičné regionálne jedlá v modernej gastronómii
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project was to gain the first work experience abroad, to motivate students to further training, to be familiar with new and traditional technologies and techniques used in gastronomy in the EU. Mobility helped the students to be independent, responsible, tolerant, self-confident and to broaden their cultural horizons of the partner countries. They became familiar with regional recipes, found specific tastes for the region, similarities and differences of tastes in partner´s and our cuisines. Students of Secondary Vocational School of Business and Services in the study programs hotel academy, waiter/ waitress, (2nd, 3rd, 4th class) participated in this VET mobility and the vocational training was recognized as a part of the compulsory vocational practical training and as a condition for obtaining the certificate of apprenticeship. Mobility took place in the hotel and restaurants in Germany, Greece and Poland. Within the project, 48 students participated in 4 weeks mobility in 6 groups (2 groups in each country). Individual activities were in accordance with the project application. Mobility took place in the restaurants and a hotel previously being agreed with the partner organizations. Students worked in the position of a cook or cook assistant in the kitchen and a waiter/waitress in the restaurant service. They became familiar with new ingredients, used local products and ingredients for the preparation of meals, learnt cooking techniques and final arrangement of food on the plate, they learnt to use culinary appliances, tools and utensils, they got to know the restaurant reservation system, food and drink menu, improved in making coffee and mixed drinks, system and style of work, improved their skills in simple and complex serving, foreign language communication with customers and intercultural experiences gained abroad. Participants put into practice and improved knowledge, skills and competences learnt at school, improved in preparing a wide range of hot and cold dishes and drinks, typical dishes and drinks of national and regional gastronomy. Students have gathered recipes of traditional regional dishes and have mastered their practical preparation, have prepared an electronic presentation presented on the Serving Techniques, Hotel Management and English lessons, seminar work in vocational subject Hotel Management, workshop - "Days of International Cuisine" for students, teachers , parents and the public, regional dishes calendar 2015, promotional material, brochure, notice boards, poster for presentation events (Open day, meetings with pupils), articles in the school magazine and in mass media. On practical training lessons they discussed with teachers and students about their experiences in dining, composition of menus, preparation of cold and hot dishes, drinks, desserts, specialties, contributing to the innovation of educational practices in practical training lessons. Mobility participants used the acquired international experience and skills in vocational practical training examinations. Students' skills have been confirmed in the certificate and the Europass Mobility. Implementation of the project has increased the level of professional knowledge and skills of students in initial vocational training in the study programs as a waiter, waitress, cook, hotel staff. Results have been shown in competitions, the implementation of practical school-leaving examinations, and finding a place in domestic and foreign labour market. Student mobility has had a positive impact on the students and our school, too. Project activities have managed to combine theory with practice. The benefit of the project was to increase number of student mobilities in our school, strengthen the professional competences of students in the field of gastronomy, hotel industry and foreign languages in the context of actual needs of the labour market, strengthen the international dimension of VET students, raise the prestige of school in the region.

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3 Partners Participants