Traces of identity
Start date: Sep 1, 2015,
End date: Sep 30, 2016
The project „Traces of identity” aims at encouraging young people to search for peculiarities of their local identity and belonging intheir region's both historical area and contemporary life.We want two countries to establish cooperation and make this local research : Poland and Italy. Even though separated and not evenbordering, are linked by very interesting aspect of local identity and „small fatherland”. Lower Silesia (Poland) has passed throughnumerous outstanding events and governors, not necessarily Polish ones throughout its history and became part of Poland onlyafter second world war end. Multicultural past of the region makes it incredibly interesting to find local „typicalness”.Contrarily, Marche - region in Italy, may cause different challenge. Since Italy united in 1871 and is often associated with group oflabels or stereotypes abroad that are rather national than regional, it is worth to find and preserve features typical for region. If itcomes to language, history, cuisine our countries are so different and meaning of “regionalism” , “campanilismo” are so different thatit would be very interesting and surprising to discover it with youngsters.4 areas of topic:History and archeology are the disciplines that go deep in the search for historical data. Nevertheless, it not always known what kindof research was held in given area and what its outcomes were. We want to find it out and make young people not only aware ofbasics archeological methods but also increase interest in what has been discovered specifically in their regions.Proposed activities: treasure hunting/orientary game connected with pieces of history; story telling meeting for kids about theregion in collaboration with local communities (f.e. Held in local libraries or district clubs, get-to-know-the-roots walk witharcheologist, historical theatre play presenting part of the history of region.Art is a language of expression widely spoken and spreading in all the possible directions. However, the certain disciplines ortechniques start art certain place therefore we want to discover the specifiqueness of the regions and find out not only the localbranches but also those who hot into the history of art and were widely practiced, but to underline their origin.Proposed activities: visits and interviews in local museums and galleries, handcraft workshop, painting plenaire to portrait theregion.Language is one of the crucial elements of identity. Even though both Polish and Italian are national ones spread in the area of thewhole country, we want to identify local aspects and show that some lexical or accentual variations make it different. We want toshow also differences between Italian and Polish approach to languages and dialects.Proposed activities: workshop with Polish/Italian teachers, interviews with older inhabitants of regions to listen and get to knowtheir way of speaking, village game to communicate with inhabitants in Polish using some basic words.Last but not least, cuisine is one of the most powerful means to present local identity, due to local or locally seasonal products, wayof preparing them, ending up in dishes that motion of that be known or served in one area only. Cuisine has its history and cuisine isan art, so this part of the guide will present both contemporary situation of what's locally served to people's palates and how itoriginated.Proposed activities: cooking workshop with local and seasonal local products, interviews with local farmers to find out what iscultivated in the region, best local dish contest and voting. We will create a short movie showing how we cooked.The final outcome for each partner will be creation of ebook – digital guide book of our small homeland. It will show the effects ofthe investigation and present the traces of local identity. Youngsters will choose by themselves monuments and places that theywant to show. It can be untypical and subjective. Both guidebooks will be created in national languages and in English and dividedinto 4 areas mentioned before. We want to make it catchy and nice, very visual, with a lot of photos and testimonies of participants.Between two of our meetings youngsters will have time to implement their own activities which will help to show project in theirlocal communities and gather data to create guide books at the end.We will propose some common activities, but young people may still come up with ongoing events in their local communities.