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TRACE - TRAnsparent Competences in Europe

TRACE means "Transparent Competences in Europe" and will develop, implement and test a coherent, systemic framework for the transparency and interoperability of competences systems in the European knowledge based societies in the e- learning sector. Two target groups are envisaged: practitioners of the e- learning sector and those of the guidance sector. A "Competences Translator" should contribute to the interoperability of competences and help to enhanced mobility within European labor markets. It will make possible a smoother understanding of qualifications and competences among countries, regions and sectors by translating the competencies required into a language understandable to the relevant stakeholder. A series of European public and institutional initiatives ( as fe. Europass, ECTS or the ECDL) will be taken into account and involve these actors as well into the analysis as into the valorisation phase of the project. The main outcome should be a software prototype of the Competence Translator engine, additional an advanced competences glossary and a competence translator guide on European Competences will be developed. A competence interactive Grid will be linked with the functioning of the "Translator"

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