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Towards Europe: This way or that way?
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1 . Project's context and background Our school wants to "get back into the game" by recognizing the importance of opening itself to the outside. Everyone will be involved in the experience because this way the whole school can take part in it and can be at the same time encouraged to realise the internal cohesion among school orders . 2 . Main tasks - updating knowledge and teachers' specific language and methodological skills; - learning innovative and practical practices and applying them in our reality according to the European dimension ; - achieving inclusion in school education; - revising curricula ; - using ICT in learning processes to exploit the potential of digital media ; - gaining higher language skills ; - acquiring skills in leadership and management with regard to improvement and change pointed to the management of financial and structural resources; - pursuing motivation action to communicate and promote the cooperation among educational institutions. 3 . Participants number and profile The teachers' selection in our school includes all types of schools (no. 4 from the Nursery School, no. 5 from the Primary School, no.1 from the Secondary School and the headmaster ) . The group is very heterogeneous in regard to training and work experience : 4 . Description of activities - Language training in order to achieve more awareness and fluency in English, although there are different needs in relation to the teachers' professional background. In fact some of them have already acquired good language skills and want to develop them through the CLIL structured course. The job shadowing has not only the aim of improving communication skills, but rather the purpose to give a more modern and international dimension to our institute by means of future cooperation. 5 . Brief description of the results and impact and long-term benefits Personal and professional benefits for teachers and headmaster: - achieving greater self-confidence and improving work quality in their performance after having reinforced their "key competences" ; - improving language skills which can be used for future exchanges and events ; - developing awareness and understanding of other cultures , so that the same can be transferred to the students; - they will find themselves in an European dimension and will catch the opportunity to build future cooperative networks for the benefit of the whole learning community; - encouraging creativity will affect positively the school change; - introducing more reflexive multimedia teaching methods; - realizing integrated forms of teaching practices based on specific needs and tools at their disposal - traditional as well as technological - using flexible and innovative learning material. A part of the benefits outlined above can match with both teachers and headmaster. More specifically the headmaster will take profit from the knowledge of innovative approaches in management of educational institutions. This experience will rise the quality of processes and outcomes.
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