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Tourist Connecting Towns (TOURIST CONNECT)

The added value of the project is achievedby the cross-border cooperation, enrichingtourism offers by joining the strengths, gettingto know the other side of the border duringthe planned tourism related activities andthus increasing the exchange and mutualvisits. This, in turn, results in sustainabledevelopment of both regions.The project facilitates balanceddevelopment of the Aluksne?Võru borderregion by enhancing the cooperation in thearea of tourism and creating added-valuetourism products on both sides of the border.The main results of the project are promotionof Aluksne (LV) and Tamula (EE) lakes astourism attractions by improving hiking trailsaround them. Attractiveness of varioustourism objects is created by researchinglegends and stories about them; inflow oftourists is facilitated by organising joint tripsfor tourism entrepreneurs and creatingcommon tourism packages; attracting oftourists is also promoted by implementationof an innovative audio guide; ensuring thetourism information exchange by publishinginformative material about tourism objects inAluksne and Võru regions.

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  • 75%   109 560,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Estonia - Latvia - Russia (EE-LV-RU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants