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Tourism Uses of the Historic Environment. Know-How Transfer and Quality Management Practices at Community Level (HERODOT)
Start date: Apr 30, 2007, End date: Jul 30, 2008 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Heritage per se cannot render a place to a tourist destination. While uncontrolled development results in quality downgrading at some places, other places are unknown. Once heritage values are restored and sustainably managed, the historic environment may serve as an agent for tourism. The project HERODOT aims to research and promote tailor-made heritage strategies for the regions involved, improve heritage presentation tools and methods, the quality of marketing, train experts and local agents on a multidisciplinary basis. A further vital aim is to allow regional actors to collect more experience in international research. Main Activities The project HERODOT aims to: 1. Educate partners by transferring transnational know-how and diffuse a model able to produce quality experiences using the historic environment. Partners create in collaborative scheme a heritage manual with: 2. Heritage Typologies 3. Significance Assessment Process 4. Accessibility Networks 5. Economic Valuation 6. Cultural Heritage Consumption Mix Planning Process 7. Offer partners a distance and e-learning course in tourism planning, heritage management and interpretation along with an e-Library with tourism planning tools 8. Develop methodologies to use the historic environment as an agent for sustainable tourism by producing quality visitor experiences 9. Develop a specific methodology for managing leisure time by creating visitor friendly, physically, economically and intellectually accessible heritage attractions, which meet visitors’ needs and market requirements, while maintaining authenticity and integrity by offering a heritage manual 10. Implement selected demonstration projects in the partner areas 11. Disseminate results on the basis of e- and print media Expected Results: • To diffuse planning methods and presentation standards across diverse local, and regional actors. • To create quality visitor experiences in historic environments by managing information with tourism value regarding human cognitive architecture, mental, economic, social and physical accessibility • To render the historic environment to an indispensable component of a holistic tourism product. • To convert in situ and virtual historic environments into an interactive learning space
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  • 61.2%   423 570,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Archimed
  • Project on KEEP Platform

9 Partners Participants