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Tourism Promotion to New Markets (TPNM)
Start date: May 31, 2012, End date: Nov 29, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims to unify the touristic product of the CBC area for increasing the visibility of its touristic potential and promote its attractiveness not only to domestic and EU markets but also to new touristic origins (Russia, Japan, China), while strengthening tourism business ties in the cbc area. The project envisages the development of an integrated web-based tourism platform, which will host all the information about tourist attractions, activities and amenities of the area and will also incorporate a graphical presentation of monuments/interesting sites of the CBC area. It will use uploading on Google maps and extensive translation to languages of new tourist markets, in addition to the development of applications for smart-phones and social media promotion.At the end of the TPNM the CBC area will have acquired an important tool integrating for the first time digitalization of all the existing sites, endorsed important synergies between tour operators for the development of a common touristic product, while it will enjoy a competitive advantage in penetrating in new markets-possible tourist origins. Expected Results: The TPNM shall deliver a useful platform for a better promotion of the whole area as a common tourist destination. The results of the project are not limited to the area of responsibility or influence of the five partners but they will have concrete impacts in the cross border area as a whole. In this context at the end of the project:a) The cross border area will have acquired an important tool, integrating for the first time digitalization of all sites containing various tourist information in a comprehensive manner and friendly to the end-user.b) The touristic product of the area will be upgraded as a whole, not only because of the improvement of accessibility to the touristic information, but also due to the exhibition of the cultural potential of the areas involved.c) Business ties between the two countries in the cross border regions shall be strengthened as business to business meetings will create synergies for the development of a common touristic product. d) The cross border area, due to its targeting in penetrating new markets, shall have a competitive advantage regarding the attraction of tourists especially from new markets – origins. In addition, as indirect effects of the TPNM can be considered1) Job creation in the field of tourism in the cross border area.2) Creation of a legacy of cooperation between local administrations, NGOs and businesses in the cross border area regarding various touristic aspects.3) The project can be used as a pilot for other areas in the two countries that wish to advertise their potential especially to new tourist markets.4) Containing emigration flows from the Albanian borders to the Greek counterparts and increasing social cohesion.
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  • 79.3%   311 492,30
  • 2007 - 2013 Greece - Albania IPA CBC (EL-AL)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants