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Tour du RhEin -
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The 21st Conference climate in 2015 (COP 21 - Climate Paris 2015) taked place at LE Bourget last december. It has benn a key event in the work on global climate changement. A political event and a mediatic event.In 2016: we want to carry on informing on these toppics.10 young Germans / 15 young French young / 5 accompagnators / 10 biking days on the sides of the river Rhine.he cycling journey gives a framework for the meeting between young people, who allows to speak about all issues related to sustainable mobility and mutual understanding between two neighboring countries. By daily activities and daily language activities the young participants will develop their ability to exercise in community life .To empower young people, they will be integrated into the project design before and also in the after value . At the half time of the project we will have a first evaluation to compare our project to their expectations. This allows us to change the program if necessary and adapt to the physical condition , needs and desires of young people.On the journey we will visit places which are subjects of the French-german actuality concerning sustainable development (for example the nuclear power station of Fessenheim, the European Parliament in Strasbourg etc.) . Site visits and meetings with innovative actors in the environmental issues will be organized with and by the young people . Some proposals could be made: for example: visiting the center for environmental education of BUND Ortenau , the environmental district "Vauban" of Freiburg , The initiation center for nature and environment "Bussière" in Strasbourg , meeting the cycling association " Bretz'selle " in Strasbourg etc. ).In Strasbourg, the young people will visit the "Cités Débrouillards" (street activities about ecological transition) ,one of our most important projects during the summer time. We will determine with the young participants how to disseminate the project : by films, photos or records. This testimony will be made throughout the project to be presented at the closing of our summer activities with our partner CSC Hautepierre in StrasbourgWe hope that this time of the French-german journey is the beginning of relations that persist beyond the project . The idea is to allow further meetings in 2016.

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