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Touch the nature- project of global development in education of youth in Slovak – Czech border regions (Spoj sa s prírodou - projekt globálného rozvojového vzdelávania mládeže na slovensko- českom pohraničí)
Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Strenghten of crossborder cooperation from Slovakia and Czech republic in global development education, increase the awareness in global ecologic problems, "green thinking", strenghten the feeling of common responsibility and integration of youth on both sides of border Achievements: Strengthening cross-border cooperation organizations from Slovakia and Czech Republic on global development education. Target was continuously fed throughout the project and filled.2. To raise students' sense of responsibility in environmental issues. It does so during workshops (4 workshops in the 10tich classes), Eko HBH (2x) and extra-curricular activities during the project objective has been achieved, but it's a long-term goal, which will be assessed by individual participants only at a distance longer time.3. To bring new forms of education, new teaching method and approach on this subject in schools. New forms were used and presented during the workshops and EKO HBH students and teachers that they can be used again. Target has been fulfilled.4. The project will allow participants from both sides of Slovakia-Czech border to meet in person to discuss the topics raised and to establish refer to future cooperation. Objective was filled during Eko HBH and during meetings of working teams. We are already working on networking projects for the European volunteering and also in further environmental projects.Strengthening cross-border cooperation organizations from Slovakia and Czech Republic on global development education. Target was continuously fed throughout the project and filled.2. To raise students' sense of responsibility in environmental issues. It does so during workshops (4 workshops in the 10tich classes), Eko HBH (2x) and extra-curricular activities during the project objective has been achieved, but it's a long-term goal, which will be assessed by individual participants only at a distance longer time.3. To bring new forms of education, new teaching method and approach on this subject in schools. New forms were used and presented during the workshops and EKO HBH students and teachers that they can be used again. Target has been fulfilled.4. The project will allow participants from both sides of Slovakia-Czech border to meet in person to discuss the topics raised and to establish refer to future cooperation. Objective was filled during Eko HBH and during meetings of working teams. We are already working on networking projects for the European volunteering and also in further environmental projects.
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  • 78.6%   68 391,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Slovak Republic - Czech Republic (SK-CZ)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants