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Together is better
Start date: May 4, 2015, End date: Oct 3, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

?Together is better? is a youth exchange with 23 scout participants aged 16 to 24 from Iceland and Slovenia. This project was designed with the intention of meeting new people and foreign organisations and to better understand other cultures. We set out to meet our peers from a different cultural background, their traditions, language, characteristics determined by national and environmental influences. Moreover, we wished to further improve our foreign language skills and enrich our activities with this international experience. We strongly believe that there is a lot to gain from building international connections, working together, exchanging opinions and experiences. Based on these newly acquired experiences and exchange of good practices we have had the opportunity to contribute to improving the scout organization on a local as well as on the national level. Through carrying out this project we have accomplished the following goals: Each participant took part in preparing two activities for the summer camps. That helped to develop the individual's sense of responsibility and independence. By successfully completing the tasks their confidence strengthened as well. Participants from both countries have prepared activities for presenting our homeland to the participant from the partner organisation. We paid special attention to the language, history, traditional stories and dances. That strengthened our national consciousness and at the same time getting to know the similarities and differences between the two countries strengthened the international consciousness too. The main activity that we organised was a travelling camp, which was adapted to Iceland?s weather conditions at that time. Through this project we have gained physical strength, sense of community or solidarity and through the preparation process we also gained organisational skills. Prior to the main event, all participants have gotten to know in detail how our own organisation functions and then presented it to the partner group. Watching their presentation resulted in new ideas, exchange of good practices and ways to develop the progress of the national Scout organization. Before the main activity we had a meeting to discuss possible complications and how to solve them and thus actively thought the camp through. Our goal was also taking a step towards active citizenship and increase self initiative. That has already been partly accomplished by the participants suggesting on our own that this project comes to life. And it has been further strengthened by presenting the project, new ideas and good practices to our fellow scouts from all over Slovenia at a special event called ?Od stega do stega ?irimo dobre prakse??. Throughout the main activity the participants communicated in English. That has contributed to a higher level of confidence, improved English language school grades, but the most obvious progress has been made in expressing oneself with talking in this foreign language. In May we organised a preparational meeting between the representatives of both groups taking part in the project. That was the beginning of the process of getting to know one another, interpersonal enrichment, dialogue and adjusting to the group. We believe that this project has achieved a long lasting effect on the participants. It has promoted the awareness of accomplishing great things when working together as a group and that changes or the wanted outcome are the result of active work. Our awareness of gender equality has been improved by organising activities through scout methods, which include co-education (a scout method element that encourages equal inclusion of men and women), and by having an equal number of both male and female participants.
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1 Partners Participants